Me, The Protagonist of MY Story!

  • Being born

    im pretty sure this is everyones most important part of there life
  • First day of school

    i remember on my very first day of school, was the very first day i got in trouble
  • Going to canada

    this was more of a bittersweet story since i had to leave my family and friends, they where pretty much all i knew in life but my grandmother told me that a life of poverty in the philippines was not a future she dreamt for me
  • Injury

    I've been injured a lot of times in my life and it really impacted my life since they made me miss important parts of my life
  • My sister was born

    this was my first time ever having a sibling, and to be honest i was really happy. i don't really know what to say since i could not really express my feelings into words
  • St elizabeth

    this was where i met most of the people i know in st hilda, this school helped me make new friends
  • My first official basketball game

    This happened in grade 7, it was my first ever time playing in proffeconial basketball, i normally played with adults or other people in the streets back when i was young.
  • Grounded

    I've been grounded ALOT throughout my life and its at the point where it just seems normal, but the punishments are slowly but surely are getting more annoying
  • Moving

    This happened recently and it still hurts since i left behind all my friends in millwoods to go to a different neighborhood and I've met a lot of new people here, there all great but they can't replace the friendships i had
  • Basketball

    ever since kindergarten to grade 2 i have face against people who where in middle school, high school and adults, so they where always better than me, and it helped me get better and better, But now everyone i meet, im always better than, no one can beat me, so no one can push me to be better