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Now I Know What to do With it All!
I have just completed TCH 430 and came to realize, I didn't really know how to get the most out of the technology I was using in my class. Now I have a direction when I use the technology I have been given. This direction gives me a way to use technology to transform learning. -
Teacher Ed. Training Starts
I barely just purchased the cheapest laptop I could get a hold of. Most of my notes are still taken through pen and paper and I create my lesson plans on a crummy version of Word called Works -
Long Term Sub Job . . . Sure Why Not, I Don't Know What I'm Doing!
I accepted a long term sub job at the school where I would student teach. It was a technology class and It involved actual point and shoot digital cameras and primitive, free photshop software. I was lost -
Period: to
Oldie But Goodie Lab Equipment
Most of the labs I ran or run even now, used lab equipment that used analog forms of measurement. This is definitely not the same as a lot of the digital computer based probes that are used today in teaching science. But nonetheless it is a form of technology -
Transparencies Should Make a Comeback
A majority of the information I presented to my students while student teaching was done using an overhead projector and a transparency roll. This made me want to spend as little time taking notes as possible and get myself and the students interacting and learning more through doing. -
Autoclave Mania
During student teaching, I had to use outdated technology in the form of outdated lab equipment. A few examples include sterilizing petri dishes with an old fashion autoclave and reading the temperatures of thing with and actual glass thermometer -
My First Job
The first job I had came with a revolutionary jump in technology. I got my first white board. During student teaching I was fortunate enough to actually still have a chalkboard in the classroom. Though it doesn't seem like much, this small transition allows for more vivid drawings, and more easily readable words and problems. This alone, I believe is a simple development in technology that can increase the learning experience of the student. -
New Job, More Money, More Tech
With my new job, I all of a sudden had access to new technological hardware and software that I hadn't before. The district I moved to had far more money and resources. This included a Smart Board, a projector, a personal laptop. -
Embedding Mayhem
Shortly after I realized that I had access to all this new hardware, I figured I should evolve my presentation skills. It wasn't long before I became proficient at creating powerpoints and embedding and linking to interesting, relevant short videos. This helped the students to understand many of the complex ideas I was teaching. The students were passively involved in this technology use while I was actively involved. It was a stark difference from the overhead projector I was used to. -
Online Class Resources
I also realized that the main class that I teach had access to online resources that supplemented the book the students had. It didn't take long for me to get all of them signed up and utilizing the amazing extras the website had to offer. These things included getting the students actively engaged in word study tools, practice quizzes, animations and mp3 tutors. This would allow them access to high level material wherever and whenever they needed it. -
Smart Tech
After my first year getting accustomed to my new found technology, I decided to venture into making some of my lessons more interactive for the students by using the software provided with the smartboard. I found a lot of it cumbersome but I was able to put together a few constructivist type lessons in which the students interacted with the content through the smart technology. This provided a more interactive learning experience. -
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I''m Down with CPLC, Yeah You Know Me!
CPLC Summer Program This program allowed me to interact with some of the most advanced scientific technology and equipment I have ever seen. We were asked to create lessons which would bring the researchers discoveries into the classroom. As a result I was able to create lesson plans that used advanced technologies to help students delve into scientific ideas they had never thought of before. -
Labs in the 21st Century
Roughly four years after starting at NCHS the AP Biology curriculum changes and allowed for more liberal use of the LabQuest hardware we had laying around. This data collection hardware and software allowed my students to discover things for themselves that they previously wouldn't have been able to with the more primitive lab equipment. It provides them with and an efficient way to collect, analyze and interpret data from labs that they designed. -
Drive Saves the Environment
Around 2014 our district transitioned to using Google Drive to facilitate our classrooms. I was previously killing trees by the grove by printing out mountains of notes packets. Google drive allowed me to share my notes in an easy way with each student. This was a convenient way for me to provide access to any class material the students needed. -
More Connectivity and Expression
I took THC 401 in the summer and 430 in the spring. Both of these classes have allowed me the opportunity to express my thoughts and ideas through technology and technological software. It has broadened my thoughts on just HOW I can more effectively utilize different more diverse technology in my classroom.