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Me Me Me

  • Day was born

    Day was born
    When I was born nothing was out of the ordanary. I was also born after my brothers birthday
  • When I went to Sick Kids Hospital

    When I went to Sick Kids Hospital
    I went to the sick kids hospital when I was three months old because I had trouble breathing so they put me on a medical ventilator and I had to stay at the Sick Kids hospital for 1 whole week. While my mom was there with me.
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    On my first brithday my parents celebrated it big,they dressed me up, they decorated the room ,made lots of sweets,invited lots of family members and my mom's friend mad an amazing duck cake
  • graduated to kindergarten

  • First time trick or treathing

    First time trick or treathing
    I was 4 when I first went trick or treating
  • Moved to a house

    Moved to a house
    This was a first time I moved to a house and could say this is my room and no body is aloud. When I first moved in my cousin's and I went to this farm we saw and it was freaky.
  • 5th grade graduation

    On June 25th I graduated from elementry school. I dressed up I put make up, a cinderella looking dress and did my hair
  • 10 day trip

    10 day trip
    I went on a 10 day with my cousins, to P.E.I , New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. We visited lots of location and visited a hunted mansion and it scarde me so much.
  • wedding

    My first time I went to a christin/srilanken wedding