Me Me Me

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    -I was born on April 1st 1999
    -It was 8:00 AM
    -It was snowing in April!
  • My First Words

    -My first words was when I was only 6 months old.
    -My first words that came out was "mumma"
    -Not that long after I "dada"
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    -I was only 2 years old and I already started to walk.
    -Some babies learn to start crawling properly at this age!
    -Most of my family started to walk much before me even though they were very young.
  • First Day Of School

    First Day Of School
    -Scary day, but it was like all the other days after.
    -The only thing was I did not want to go.
    -I cried and cried until my mom just left me there.
    -My first school was Churchill Meadows but before I went to school I went to the library a lot, it was the Churchill Meadows library
  • First Hockey Stick

    First Hockey Stick
    -My first hockey stick which I still use today!
    -It was made of rubber and plastic so I would not get hurt.
    -It is half my height yet I can still take perfect shots with it.
  • My First Bike

    My First Bike
    -I still have this bike now but I don't use it anymore.
    -I can still ride it but my feet are to long.
    -I will not throw away this bike it is to percious to me.
  • The First Time I Watched A Baseball Game

    The First Time I Watched A Baseball Game
    -The thrill of the game was so exciting
    -Walking into the stadium as a 6 year old really amazed me
    -I wish I was older so I could have cought one of the baseballs
    -The teams were the Toronto Blue Jays and the Boston Red Sox