
Me life

  • Me birth

    I be born on this day
  • Period: to

    Me life

    tis the span of me life so far
  • Me earliest memory

    me third birthtday i woke up in haiku and ran about the house screaming me head off im three im three
  • Moving

    me and me family moved back to kihei
  • Me first fight

    it twas a sight ME a wee 2nd grader after being teased walks up behind his bully and gives the bully a great ol wallop with me foot to the back of his head
  • Me second fight

    now i twas not a bad child i simply had issues controlling me anger at times and did not have the best of friends as influences ye so i got into me second fight not even 6 months after me first one
  • Me cats

    we got 2 cats a orange one named flash and a gray one named mraz. mraz is still with us to this day.
  • Me third fight

    ok ok i know what your thinking twat is wrong with this crazy child getting in so many fights at such a young age well ill tell ya in four words "bullies, plus, Anger Issues" ye im not quite proud of it though this one had a ko punch so that was neat and twas is the third grade
  • A great fall

    this was an event that happened when me and me neighbor were hopping across boom trucks in his yard for fun it self-explanatory really i fell in between the boom trucks like ten feet on to rocks and woodchips but dont worry i was fine shrugged it off and tried again
  • Me first snow

    ooh this is a good one i saw me first snow and that same night went outside in the snow and locked me self out at 2 am in wyoming twas not me best decision at the time but was sooo worth it year is most likely off
  • The tale of a nail

    it went through me foot thats all
  • The tale of a bee

    it stung me in me earlobe it did twas a free ear piercing me guess though its healed now
  • Middle school

    yuck just yuck
  • Me coming of age

    BAR MITZVAH turn 13
  • Me arm broke

    well technically fractured between two logs but ye it happened
  • witness to DEATH

    an accident that occurred at the cliff house though my dating of it is a wee bit shaky so i might be off on the year
  • Moving again

    moved again tis all
  • High school

    been cool so far had its ups its many downs but freinds are a definite plus
  • Vegas baby

    i went to vegas tis all
  • DC to state

    went to dc then to washington state to visit me sis and gran
  • Me 3-D Printer

    i got me 3D printer tis all