me all about me

By obrown
  • washington dc

    washington dc
    In Washington, DC, the Korean War Veterans Memorial is dedicated.

    my brotherr is 18 born 27 july 1995
  • firsr toy ever

    i still got my first toy i got it before i was born
  • died on the day i got my first toy

    died on the day i got my first toy
    Anna Lindh, Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs (b. 1957)
  • birth i was 0

    yeh i was born 18th sep 2003
  • :oca; Law

    2003 - The United Kingdom's Local Government Act 2003, repealing controversial Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988, receives Royal Assent.
  • moving house

    moving house
    when we moved hose it was all icy and snowy. I was a month before cristmas and i was ony two
  • my dog

    my dog was a pup we got her when she was a cupel months old she was so cute
  • death of carlo andres perez formal president

    death of carlo andres perez formal president
    Carlos Andrés Pérez, former President of Venezuela (b. 1922
  • best crhistmas ever

    best crhistmas ever
    The best Cristmas ever it was so snowy and cold we went sledging ever day but crhistmas eve and crhistmas
  • Sport Mascot

    I was the team mascot for the day on my 8th Birthday. It was great and I got to play and warm up with all the players of Queen of The South Football Club. And we won!
  • Tomas Capano caught

    Tomas Capano caught
    Thomas Capano, attorney, criminal (b. 1949)
  • Johm Lennon 1969

    John Lennon of the Beatles returned his OBE award in protest