Like if you cry

Its my Life

  • Birth of a Legend

    Birth of a Legend
    This was when I was forcefuly removed from my mom without my consent
  • Got House Broken

    Got House Broken
    Learned how to use a toilet, this became a skill I would use for the rest of my life.
  • Learned how to Swim

    Learned how to Swim
    Swimming is a helpful skill for surviving summer and sometimes winter.
  • Went to School for the First Time

    Went to School for the First Time
    It was a catholic pre-school, so technically I was taking religious studies even in preschool.
  • Played Super Smash Bros

    Played Super Smash Bros
    This is one of the earliest games I played and it really got me into video games
  • Learned How To Ride a Real Bike

    Learned How To Ride a Real Bike
    The minute I sat down on a bike with no training wheels, I fell in love with bike riding. Now if I want to go somewhere, I ride my bike.
  • Watched Aliens

    Watched Aliens
    It was one of the first movies I really liked and set my standards for modern day movies.
  • Started Elementary School

    Started Elementary School
    This set me on the path towards Junior High
  • Watched Trigun

    Watched Trigun
    This was the first anime I actually watched. Before watching it I thought anime was only for dweebs, but this show changed my mind.
  • Became a Dancing Legend

    Became a Dancing Legend
    The first time I busted a real move
  • Started Junior High School

    Started Junior High School
    This set me on the path towards high school.
  • Got my First Cellular-Telephone

    Got my First Cellular-Telephone
    Hey now I can talk to people even more
  • Started High School

    Started High School
    Set me on the path towards college
  • Built my First Computer

    Built my First Computer
    Now I have a computer that works.
  • Attempted to Publish a Poem

    Attempted to Publish a Poem
    It failed but thats cool
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    The start of the rest of my life