I am the first born in my family. -
my parents divorced
I was still very young when my parents seperated, so I don't remember much, but I'm sure it affected both of their financial situations. -
first sibling
My first sibling of five was born when I was about five years old on my moms side. -
moved houses
My dad, stepmom, brother, and I all moved to a larger house when I was a second grader. -
parent job loss
My stepdad was let go of his job, and we had to cutback on things we wanted to buy. -
my first job
I started working my first job as a sophmore. -
first paycheck
I decided to make a savings and checking account, and I put half of my paycheck in savings and the other half in checking. -
I plan on going to college when I graduate from high school. I want to go to Indiana University, but I'm still not sure what I want to be when I'm older. -
Right now I have an older car. In the future I would like to have a nicer car. Maybe something used, but recently new. -
I plan on living in apartment for a few years of my life. I might even share it with one of my friends so it doesn't cost as much. Later, I plan on buying a small house with whoever I marry, and possibly getting a larger one once I have had children. -
I plan on getting married in the future, which hopefully whoever I marry and myself will have decent careers. -
In the future I would like to travel the world. I really want to go to Italy and somewhere tropical like Hawaii. -
I want to have 2 children when I am older. I plan on waiting a while to save money for children, and other wants I have in the future.