May's Life

By may722
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in Harbin, China
  • Period: to

    May's Life

  • Moving to Qingdao, China

    Moving to Qingdao, China
    My family moved from Harbin to Qingdao because of my dad's work.
  • Learning drawing

    Learning drawing
    I enjoy drawing so much, so I learned how to draw since I was 6 years old, after that I am able to draw whatever I want. Here is the photo I drew of my father and me, I drew it as a gift for my dad's birthday.
  • Moving to Shanghai, China

    Moving to Shanghai, China
    My family moved from Qingdao to Shanghai because of my dad's work.
  • Moving to Canada

    Moving to Canada
    When I was going to start my high school study, my parents decided sending me to Canada by myself.
  • Doing everything by myself

    Doing everything by myself
    As I went Canada alone, I have to learn doing every single thing by myself but not the help from my parents.
  • Moving from elementary school to high school

    Moving from elementary school to high school
    As I am growing, I am changing my school.
  • Meeting new friends

    Meeting new friends
    When I changed the place I live, I knew a lot of new people.
  • House moving by myself for several times

    House moving by myself for several times
    I come to Canada alone; therefore, I need to be independent and do every thing by myself, even house moving.
  • Doing volunteer as teacher assistant

    Doing volunteer as teacher assistant
    I gain experiences from doing volunteer as a teacher assistant of teaching Mandarin.
  • Being more fitness

    Being more fitness
    The people around me are all looks healthy and fitness. They influence me to be more fitness as well.
  • Helping people around me

    Helping people around me
    I get a lot of help from my host family, and I am so thankful for their support. Helping people can make others happy and so do I. They influence me to help people around me.
  • Communication with people

    Communication with people
    I always talk with my host family in English at home which improve my communication skill with other people.
  • Self-discipline when studying

    Self-discipline when studying
    I met a new friend this semester. She studies really hard. I am influenced by her. I want to study as well as her.
  • Bungee Jumping with my friend

    Bungee Jumping with my friend
    I like playing extreme games, and so do my friend. The experience of doing bungee jumping with my friend together will be always in my mind and never forget.
  • Value every day, every time, every thing

    Value every day, every time, every thing
    As I grow up, I get more and more feeling about time is passing too fast, so I need to value the time I experience every day and enjoy it.
  • Learning Korean

    Learning Korean
    I like watching Korean Drama, so I learned speaking Korean in summer holiday.
  • Having my own house in Canada

    Having my own house in Canada
    I really want have my own house in Canada in older to getting the feeling of family when I come home everyday after school.
  • Making boyfriends

    Making boyfriends
    As I grow, I want to have someone can accompany me and love me.
  • Going traveling only with friends

    Going traveling only with friends
    I always have a dream in my mind is to go traveling only with my friends. Now I think I am big enough to travel without my parents. I really want to make my dream come true.
  • Getting my driver license

    Getting my driver license
    It is more convenient to go anywhere by car. Before I drive, I need to get my driver license first.
  • Doing part time job in Starbucks

    Doing part time job in Starbucks
    I like coffee so much, so I want to do part time job in Starbucks in China during summer vacation time.
  • learning freestyle swimming

    learning freestyle swimming
    I have already learned swimming breaststroke and backstroke. Now I really want to learn freestyle swimming, because I think it is the coolest stroke among the others, and swimming is also a good way to keep my body fit.
  • Having my own car

    Having my own car
    It's not convenient to go everywhere by bus in Canada.
  • Learning French

    Learning French
    I like the sound of speaking French, so I want to learn more about this language.
  • Being an actress

    Being an actress
    I dream about being an actress since I was 6 years old.
  • Going to the University of Toronto

    Going to the University of Toronto
    I dream about going to the University of Toronto for study to improve my skills.