French Revolution

By msimo
  • French Revolution

    The king of france, louis the xvI (1754-1793), he had huge money problems he invites the estates (the clergy, the nobility, and the farmers and the commoners. He asked them to join him in paris to approve a tax increase.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

  • National Assembly Formed

    The national assembly was the first revolutionary government of the French Revolution. They were called into assembly to deal with the looming economic crisis in France. Except that the three estates could not decide how to vote during the estates general meeting failed.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    The members of the third estate began calling themselves the National Assembly. It taken place at salle du jeu de paume because they were locked out of there usual meeting hall at versailles. They vowed not to separate until the constitution of the kingdom was established. Thus the tennis court oath.
  • The Storming of the Bastille

    The Storming of the Bastille occurred in Paris, France, on the afternoon of July 14, 1789. There were 3 buildings they attacked the medieval armory, fortress and political prison, The prison was holding 7 prisoners at the time of the attack.
  • Constitutional Monarchy formed

    A constitutional monarchy is a form of government where there is a king or queen that reign with limits to their power along with a governing body (parlement). They paid minimum wage and only 2/3 of male adults got to vote.
  • Mob Overthrows the Constitutional Monarchy, New National Convention, France a Republic

    The constitutional monarchy was overthrown.
  • Reign of Terror Begins

    The reign of terror begins when robespierre declares terror "the order of the day" this marks the beginning of almost 2 years of enemies. 18500- 40000 lives were taken in that time frame.
  • King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette Beheaded

    The National Convention had convicted the king in a near-unanimous vote and condemned him to death by a simple majority.
  • Reign of Terror Ends

    This almost 2 years of fighting and making enemies ends with 18500-40000 lives taken. It ends with the execution of Robespierre. 17000 were officially killed and 2693 were beaten to death in the streets.