
Maus Timeline

By kiras45
  • Vladek was born

    Vladek was born
  • First Date

    First Date
    Vladek and Anja meet for the first time
  • Wedding

    Vladek and Anja get married
  • Richieu Birth

    Richieu Birth
    Vladek and Anja first baby Richieu is born in Sosnowiec
  • Sanitarium

    Anja feels sick and depressed after having her baby so her family suggested they go to the sanitarium with Vladek
  • Drafted

    Vladek gets drafted into the polish army in the begining of World War II
  • Invasion

    Germany invades Poland
  • POW

    Germans enter Sosniwiec Vladek is arrested as a prisoner of war
  • Poland Surrenders

    Poland Surrenders
  • Jewish Businesses are taken away

    Jewish Businesses are taken away
    Jewish property in Poland is confiscated Vladek and Anja's father lose their factories
  • Released

    Vladek is released from the POW camp and sent to Lublin to go live in the ghettos.
  • Ghetto

    All Jews in Sosnowiec are forced to live in the ghetto section
  • Deportation

    Deportation of 1500 from Sosnowiec, includes Anja's parents
  • Migration

    Spring all remaining Jews in Sosnowiec are sent to Srodula ghetto. Richieu is sent to Zawiercie with his aunt Tosha
  • Hiding

    most Jews in Srodula are deported to Auschwitz. Vladek and Anja are in hiding
  • Sucide

    Tosha poisons herself, Richieu, her daughter Bibi and her niece Lonia to avoid deportation
  • Mass Killing

    Mass Killing
    Remaining Jews in Srodula are murdered; Vladek and Anja are still in hiding
  • Auschwitz

    Vladek and Anja are sent to Auschwitz, quarantine til Mid of May
  • Tin shop

    Tin shop
    Vladek works in Auschwitz tin shop
  • Meeting

    Vladek sees Anja in Birkenau while he is fixing the roofs of barracks
  • The Move

    The Move
    Anja is moved from Birkenau to Auschwitz
  • The Retreat

    The Retreat
    Vladek is sent by train to Dachau
  • Escape

    Vladek is evacuated from Dachau
  • Liberated

    Dachau is liberated
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
  • Reunite

    Vladek is in a US displaced persons camp in Garmisch-Partenkirchen he goes to Bergen-Belsen, learns that Anja is in Sosnowiec, and goes there to meet her
  • Sweaden

    Vladek and Anja move from Poland to Sweden; Vladek starts a business
  • Anja commits sucide

    Anja commits sucide
    Anja commits sucides because she can not endure the experence she went through. she is depressed. She doesnt feel like she can live the same ofter going throught he camps.
  • Vladek death

    Vladek death