My Great Grandmother, Annunziatta Bisceglia

  • Born In Foggia, Italy

    Born In Foggia, Italy
  • Immigrated to the US at Ellis Island

  • Chart showing Immigration from Italy to the US

    Chart showing Immigration from Italy to the US
  • Italian Immigration to the US by year

    Italian Immigration to the US by year
  • Got Married at 16 to Michael Santa Maria

    Got Married at 16 to Michael Santa Maria
  • My Great Grandparents' 30th Wedding Anniversary

    My Great Grandparents' 30th Wedding Anniversary
  • My great grandparents celebrating my grandparents' wedding and their other 10 chilldren

    My great grandparents celebrating my grandparents' wedding and their other 10 chilldren
  • My great grandparents celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary

    My great grandparents celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary
  • Died of a Heart Attack in Worcester, MA