Hitler Officially Sworn into Power
Hitlers plan for Germany was not what he advertised to the public while running for office. Thereby, many Germans liked him, because he planned on making Germany more powerful. After he was elected, he finally had the authority to rule Germany as he pleased. His swear in marked the beginning of his rise to power. -
The First Concentration Camp was Built
This building marked the beginning of many camps to follow, and became the grave for millions of dehumanized Jews. As an Anti-Semitic act to rid the world of these "lower people", the Nazis carried out a genocide as smoothly as they could. The camps truly testified of the evil ways of man. -
Book Burnings Began
The goal of book burnings was to rid the world of all evidence that the Jewish race existed. These practices began much before every Jew was found and deported, but it was a prepatory step for the Nazis to reach their "Final Solution". -
Vladek is Taken as a Prisoner of War
Vladek had been drafted in the fight against the Nazis, and was a very inexperienced soldier. He killed a Nazi soldier, and within hours he was captured by the Nazis. It was the beginning of his struggles, of being treated less than a human. -
Britain and France Declare War on Germany
This was the beginning of world involvement in the Nazi affairs, and was the first step to destroying the Nazi party. Britain and France had been wrestling with whether war was neccesary or not, but the Nazis were quickkly rising in power. -
Vladek was Transfered to the New P.O.W. Camp
The prisoners of war had the opportunity to be housed at a different camp that ensured better living accomidations. In a effort to demand his worth, Vladek insisted on going to the new camp. The labor camp had exhausting labor, and prisoners had to help one another in order to survive. On the positive side, the new camp did have better living conditions. -
Vladek Escapes the Prisoner of War Camp
After several months of impossible labor, Vladek finally found his chance of escape. Through many travels he was constantly under watch by the Nazis. When a family member came to rescue him, he took a chance and fleed. Through many more disguises, he eventually found his way back to Anja and his son. -
Italy Enters the War with Germany
Italy joins the war, and unexpectedly joins Nazi forces. The Italian troops invade southern France, and cause the chances of victory to waffle for the Allies. -
Three Men Were Hung for Being Involved in the Black Market
The Jews were being deprived of many basic needs, and they were lacking the right to run businesses. Vladek as well as many other men were involved in secret trading groups. The Nazis were unaware of the alliances, but had caught on. The three men were hung and left as a example to all those who disregarded the rules. These events made Vladek very uneasy. -
The Bombing of Pearl Harbor
Initially the United States was neutral in WWII. The bombing of Pearl Harbor, was essentially a terrorist attack, that forced the U.S. to take action. The U.S.S. Arizona was sunk and 2000 people were killed making it the biggest terrorist attack to ever hit the nation, at the time. -
The First Ghetto in Sosnowiec
The Nazis officially began the initiation for the Jews to eventually be deported, by creating the initial ghetto. According to Vladek the conditions were not too drastic, but Vladek also was a part of a wealthy family. Families were forced to live in smaller areas and all food was rationed. The black market emerged from this event. -
The Elderly Were Sent to a "Convalescent Home"
The Nazis issued a new statement, that all elderly Jews were to be transported to a community that was better set for them. Many Jews were happy to send their elders, because they felt that the new community would be better than the current living situation. Vladek knew better than to just assume the best, so he created a bunker for Anja's grandparents. The Nazis later caught them, but no true punishment was given. The grandparents were taken away, never to be seen again. -
The First Selection
The Nazis gathered all the Jews of Sosnowiec together, and began the very first selection. Individuals who were fit for work went to the right, and those who were not, to the left. This was the moment that Vladek was seperated with his father. He was able to stay with Anja and his son. -
The Jews of Sonsowiec are Sent to Srodula
The Jews were sent to live in even smaller houses, and were given occupations to work in. The Nazis had become even more strict, and Jews were being transported to Auschwitz constantly. Vladek sent Richeau away to have a chance at survival, before the Nazis began to take the children. -
Tosha "Protects" the Children
After Richeu was sent away, they had experienced many months of peace. Eventually, the Nazis decided to send off the entire ghetto where Richeu and the other family members were living. Tosha decided that it was better for her to kill the children and herself, than to have them face Auschwitz. -
The Gestapo Arrives
The Jew's gullible expectations of the Jews were shattered when the Gestapo arrived. Within hours, the Jews were deprived of their money, respect, and social status. It was the first step in Elie's Holocaust journey. -
The Sighet Jews Travel to the Concentration Camps
The Jews were unsure of the fate that awaited them at the end of their travels, but the cruel conditions certainly hinted at the hardships to come. In the trains Mrs. Schachter began to hallucinate, and say that she saw fire. The Jews in the train, used violence to silent their screams. What the Jews didn't realixe that what they were doing to Mrs. Schachter would soon be happening to them. -
Elie Was Seperated from His Mother and Tzipora
At the beginning of the concentration camps men and women were seperated. Fathers were seperated from mothers, siblings were never to see each other again. Elie never saw his mom or sister ever again, and never received a proper goodbye. Such a monumental moment was treated as a joke by the Nazis, and the Jews never truly recovered from the seperation. -
Operation Overlord Began
The Allied Forces had planned to invade Europe through France, and to capture/liberate cities under oppression. In the end the Allies prevailed, but about 100,000 people died in the process. -
Rosh Hashanah in the Concentration Camp
Elie and his father had experienced life as a prisoner for many months, and within that time Elie had lost all of his faith in God. His father was his only motivation to live, and the Nazis began to be more ruthless with their ways. Rosh Hashanah was an important night for Elie, because it reminded him that life once was normal. People still held value, the world still seemed just, but now innocent Elie had been shattered. -
Elie's Foot Becomes Infected
Elie was admitted into the infirmary, which he was recluctant to do, becuase the Nazis were infamous for killing. His doctor was a Jew, and he felt that he could trust him. He faced the faceless man, and soon began to witness the effects that the Holocaust had on other victims. -
Evacuation of Buna
The Russian Army began to approach the camp where Elie was held, so the Nazis quickly evacuated the prisoners. To have the Holocaust revealed to all the world meant a death sentence for the victory. Elie had to undergo many physical challenges in order to mentally support his father. Elie had no prior knowledge of the liberation that would come for those who stayed in the infirmary. -
Auschwitz was Liberated
The liberation of Auschwitz foreshadowed to the end of the war, and rescued thousands of emaciated Jews. The liberators got to witnness for themselves the evils of the nazis, and Jews were finally treated as humans. -
Shlomo's Death
Shlomo's death was a big turning point for Elie's motivation. After Elie had lost God, the only thing that he fought to live for was his father. Losing his father meant losing his faith, which greatly jeopardized his chances of survival. Shlomo's death was a memory that the Elie would have to carry for the rest of his life. -
The Nazis Attempted to Liquidate the Camp Before the Americans Arrived
The Nazis were aware that the end of the road was nearing, ao in their last effort they attempted to erase all evidence of dehumanization. Elie and many other Jewish men were afraid that the Germans were going to kill them off before the liberation, so Elie often avoided reporting to the Appelplatz. -
The Liberation
Elie and his fellow inmates were liberated by the Nazis, and finally gained the right to humanity. The Jews were giddy to be alive and free, and pushed aside the thought of revenge. It was the commencement of the nightmare that had become their reality. -
Adolf Hitler's Death
The details of Hitlers death are not set in stone, but his death was surely a victory for the Jews. Good had finally conquered evil, the world could rejoice at the prescence of hope, and one more evil man was never to live on this earth again. -
The Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
American engineers and scientists as well as nation like Russia, had been working on the development of the atomic bomb, before it was able to be used. In a final effort to win the war, and earn revenge from Peral Harbor, large Japanese cities were bombed. The atomic bomb wiped out both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ridding the area of all supplies and citizens. Following the bombings Japan surrendered. -
Anja Commited Suicide
This was a monumental moment in both Artie's and Vladek's lives, and affected their life following the tragedy. Artie took responsibility for her suicide, because the last time he spoke to her he was lacking love, and blamed her for his downfalls. Vladek didn't understand why Anja would do such an awful thing, especially without leaving a note. -
Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Acceptance Speech
Elie Wiesel's achievement signified the reality that good conquers evil. The oppressed become the grateful, and that violence in never the answer. Elie Wiesel stressed in his remarks the importance of human rights, and reminded the world of the the millions of innocent people who lost their lives to prejudice opinions.