Mauryan and Guptan Empires

  • Period: 324 BCE to 297 BCE

    Chandragupta ruled

    Chandragupta ruled from 324 to 297 BCE before voluntarily giving the throne up to his son, Bindusara,
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    The Gupta empire

    The Gupta empire was founded by Sri Gupta sometime between 240 and 280 CE
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    Maurya Empire

    Maurya Empire at its greatest extent, dark orange, including vassal kingdoms, light orange, 265 BCE. Notice the map shows the empire covering all of modern-day India, as well as portions of modern-day Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran, Nepal, Pakistan, and China.
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    Sri Gupta's son and successor

    Sri Gupta's son and successor, Ghatotkacha, ruled from around 280 to 319 CE.