Separation Aniety
Baby Center Separtaion AnxietyAt age 7 months, Matteo began to experience symptoms of separation anxiety, due to him mothers’ recent transition back into the workforce. Since Matteo began to receive care outside of the home by relatives, he has started to exhibit emotional signs of separation from his mother. For example, Feldman (2012), states many infants newly introduced to the absence of their main caregiver, tend to display emotional effects, which confirm the child’s cognitive and emotional bond advancements (p.172). -
Language development
Mayo Clinic-Language Development By the age of 3, Matteo displayed a keen advancement in his social speech. On a daily bases he engages with is parents and peers in conversations about his thoughts, intrests, and preception of the world (Feldmen, 2012 p. 233). -
Gross motor development
Gross Motor Develoment Guide 5 years old marks a major milestone in Matteo's gross motor development. He has mastered the combined skill of muscle control and hand eye coordination and used it to gain the skill of bike riding. According to Feldman (2012), gross motor skills increase purposely based the practice that they have had refining them (p.211). -
Overcoming Adversity
National Bullying Prevention Center<Matteo has always been a hearty eater, and is generally not very active or interested in sports. Now he is overweight. He recently came home and complained about another child who called him "fatty". You decide to combat this problem. According to Feldman (2012), an approximate 80% of boys experience some form of bulling/harassment by their peers (p.339). However, Matteo's temperament increases his resiliency, which allows for him to overcome the adversity of bulling (p. 209). -
Parents Separation
Divorce Rates in Alaska Due to financial difficulties and difference of options about how to adequately spend the families finances. You and your partner began to have some pretty heated arguments about how to fix the problem; ultimately, the strain is too much and you decide to divorce. Matteo is devastated at first, but due to you and your spouse’s supportive communication with him, he is able to successfully move past it. Data shows that most children are able to move past impacts of divorce, in 18-24mos(p. 342) -
Building Immunities
Parents- Building Immunities in Children Matteo has really become resistant to colds in the past year or so, thankfully, so you figure he has finally built up a lot of strong immunities. There is a bad flu going around, but Matteo has managed to avoid it, even though his sister had a moderate case of fever, body aches and sore throat. Providing children with healthy balence of exercise, nutrition, and propmer hygine, children have the ability to build higher immunities (Feldman (2012), p. 280, 281). -
Self Image
Self-Image support for teensMatteo has come to Dad claiming it is time for him to start shaving. When he proudly shows off his facial hair, you can sort of see the peach fuzz that might really need shaving in 6 months or so. He says that all his friends have started shaving already. Parents contribute to building their children’s self-image/esteem, by providing them with opportunities for self-discovery (Feldman (2012), p.331). -
All Grown UP
As Matteo heads into his next set of adventures, you reflect on your relationship with him at this point in both of your lives. You've managed to be an excellent parent in terms of both discipline and warmth. Matteo is very close to both parents now, but of the two, he is closer to you. He seeks out your advice on important issues or questions that are a bit beyond his experience.