Matt Crump

  • Volunteer

    i volunteered at a week long church camp in lambeth. doing so got me my 40 hours of community service required in order to graduate high school.
  • First day of highschool

    This was my first day of highschool. The first day i was very nervous and i thought i would hate it, but it turns out that i enjoy highschool.
  • Period: to


    this a ten year timline for my future.
  • Volunteer Again!

    once again i decided to volunteer at the same camp i volunteered at a year before. i gain an additional 40 hours.
  • First year of Midget Hockey

    Midget hockey is a mixure of 15, 16,and 17 year olds. these are the most important years in minor hockey. it is very rough, fast, and exciting!
  • Made the Honor Roll!

    I had an 81 average in grade 9 and I hope to stay on the honor roll throughout high school.
  • My Birthday

    Its my 16th birthday.
  • Get My G1!

    I can finally start to drive! Ive have been looking forward to this day for a long time.
  • Make the honor roll for the second straight year.

  • Part Time Job

    I will start looking for a part time job to work in the summer and start earning some money.
  • Grade 11 starts

    I am now a senior student in highschool, I will have much more responcibility.
  • Another year of hockey starts!

    this will be my second year of midget hockey for St. Thomas.
  • Graduaton!

    After four years at Parkside it will be my time to move on, i will miss all my great friends but this will mark the start of the real world for me.
  • Police Collage

    This will be the start of my career learning about policing.
  • Graduate Police Collage!

  • Start My Job In The Police Force As a Cadet.

    I finally can start6 the job Ive been wanting to have for a long time. This starts my career as an accuall police officer.
  • One year as a cop!

    This will mark my one year anniversery with the police force. I will start to earn more promotions as I am starting to get better at my job.