50,000 BCE
Evidence of counting -
22,000 BCE
Primitive geometry triangular designs -
2400 BCE
Rhiannon papyrus -
2000 BCE
Hieronymus l x this numerals Egypt -
1850 BCE
Thanes of impetus native geometry -
1650 BCE
Myth agree an arithmetic tic and geometry -
585 BCE
every one that knew that the earth was not flat
per men ides spherical earth -
263 BCE
suite-s 3rd century Brahmagupta establish the basic mathematical rules for dealing quoth zero -
200 BCE
written over a period of time from about 200 BC on words -
Pierre de Fermat
Fermat's last theorem has claimed to discover a proof that the Diophantine equation has no integer solutions for n>2 and y,y,z≠0 -
Rene Descartes
Published his mathematical treatise “Discours de la Methode” -
Blaise Pascal
Invented Pascal’s triangle where each number is the sum of two numbers directly above it -
Gottfried Wilhelmina Leibniz
Invented Step Reckoner, a digital calculator -
Isaac Newton
Discovered calculus -
Bernoulli Brothers
Published “The Art of Conjecture” -
Leonard Euler
Discovered the calculation of infinite sums -
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Published “Disquisitiones Arithmeticae” -
Evartise Galois
Published his first paper on “Continued Fractions” -
Bernhard Riemann Presented ideas on geometry for the official
Presented ideas on geometry for the official Post doctoral qualification at Gottingen -
A.N. Whitehead
Published a Treatise on universal algebra -
Bertram Russell
Identified Russell’s Paradox -
G.H. Hardy
Completed his construction of a regular polygon -
Srinivasa Ramanujon
Published the “Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society” -
David Hilbert
Invented proof theory -
Kurt Godel
Published his two incompleteness theorems -
Andre Weil
Proof of Riemann hypothesis for zeta-functions of curved over finite fields -
Julia Robinson
Published a paper on sequental analysis in statistics -
Paul Cohen
Developed a technique called forcing, which was used to prove that neither continuum hypothesis not the axiom of choice can be proved from standard zermelo-fraenkel axioms of set theory -
You’re Matiyasevich
Solved Hilbert’s tenth problem