600 BCE
Distance Formula
Distance Formula is a variant is a variant of pythagoream theorem.
It gives two points (x1, y1) and (x2,y2) and show the distance between it. Information: https://prezi.com/fhudj361eey3/studying-the-distance-formula/ More information: http://www.purplemath.com/modules/distform.htm Video on it:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3pcsaJvm5o -
569 BCE
Pythagorean Theorem
It is one of the earliest theorems known in ancient civilizations. This theorem was by the Greek mathematicians and philosopher Pythagoras.
Find find more historical facts go to: http://jwilson.coe.uga.edu/emt669/Student.Folders/Morris.Stephanie/EMT.669/Essay.1/Pythagorean.html More information:
https://www.ualr.edu/lasmoller/pythag.html Video on how to do it:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elr2w5jrFbQ -
287 BCE
Scientific Notation
They used this method to calculate for King Gelon the number of grain of sand in the universe. More information: http://hawaii.hawaii.edu/math/Courses/Math110/Notes/Math110cPs2b.pdf Video of it:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J3uE86eWg0 -
216 BCE
Exponent Laws
Archimedes discovered and proved the exponent Law. He discovered the law in "The Sand Reckoner." More information: https://www.reference.com/math/created-exponents-7261304afef62e89 Video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yEImEUoAaOE