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Adding with Fractions
Explore the 3 easy steps to adding fractions. -
Step 1 - Common Denominators
You have to make sure the bottom numbers (denominators) are the same. If they are different, fix them by multiplying the top and bottom of the small fraction to make the denominator match the large fraction. In this example, 1/3 would be multiplied by 2/2 to turn into 2/6. -
Step 1 Solution
As you can see, 1/3 became 1/6. You should re-write your problem like this. -
Step 2 - Adding the Numerators
Add the numerators (top numbers) straight across. Put the answer at the top of your answer fraction. -
Step 2 Solution
You will keep the denominator (bottom number) the same. Your answer fraction should look like this. -
Step 3 - Finding the Greatest Common Factor
Now you have to reduce the fraction if needed. Find the greatest common factor of both the numerator and denominator. -
Step 3 Solution
The greatest common factor of 3 & 6 is 3. If you divide 3 by 3 the answer is 1. If you divide 6 by 3 the answer is 2. Your new answer fraction is 1/2.