The square root symbol is introduced for square roota
Pascal discovers his theorem while only 16 years old
Torricelli's Trumpet is discovered by Evangelista Torricelli
Newton and Leibniz take the first steps in calculus
William Jones introduces the sybol for pi
Euler first uses the sybol i to represent the square root of -1
Lambert proves that pi is irrational
Comte de Buffon uses a needle to estimate the value of pi
Joseph Huddart invents the three armed protractor
Factorial notation n! is introduced by French mathematician Christian Kramp
Emile Borel introduces the concept of normal numbers as a way to characterize the digits of pi
the first cash register is invented by James Ritty
the klein bottle is first described
The fields medal is first awarded
Richard von Mises proposes the birthday problem
the ulam spiral is discovered
The game of sprouts is discovered
the worlds largest superegg is placed outside Kelvin Haill in Glasgow
Hewlet- Packard introduces the dirst scientific pocket calculator
Rubik's cube cube is invented
Sudoku- like games are introduced in the US
the eternity puzzle s released commercially
numb3rs hits american telivision