Movimiento estudiantil del 68 3 e1552671933692

Matanza de Tlatelolco de 1968

By LiamFB
  • July 22

    Two groups of students face each other: Vocational 2 students from the National Polytechnic Institute and Isaac Ochoterena High School. The events occurred in the Plaza de la Ciudadela.
  • July 23

    Isaac Ochoterena High School students throw stones at IPN Vocational 2. Baton groups set fire to the confrontation and the police intervene by beating teachers and students.
  • July 26

    A public event organized by the National Federation of Technical Students (FNET) in protest against the police intervention in vocational 6 of the IPN begins, the FNET demonstration was held in order until there was a violent confrontation with the police
  • July 28

    An assembly is held at the IPN School of Economics between representatives of UNAM and IPN to discuss a possible strike until their demands are resolved.
  • July 29

    Preparatory School 1 and Vocational Schools 2, 4 and 7 decide to go on an indefinite strike in solidarity with the Movement. Students from High School 7 block Av. de la Viga and arrest two policemen. They also capture trucks and block main avenues.
  • July 30

    The army fired a bazooka at the Baroque gate of the San Ildefonso Preparatory School. There were mass arrests. Several students from vocational 2 and 5 were injured.
  • August 8

    The Consejo Nacional de Huelga (CNH) was formed, composed of schools from the UNAM, the IPN, the normal schools, the College of Mexico, the Chapingo School of Agriculture, teachers and the general public. The CNH leads a march from the Casco de Santo Tomás to the Zócalo. They demand the release of political prisoners.
  • August 27

    300,000 people march from the Museum of Anthropology to the Zócalo. They suggest that the dialogue needs to take place on September 1 in the morning, in the Zócalo. At the end of the demonstration, a red and black flag is raised on the flagpole of the square. At one o'clock in the morning, police forces evict the Zócalo.
  • September 1

    The Fourth Government Report of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz is carried out. In the report, the president refuses to be conciliatory with the student movement.
  • September 13

    The March of Silence summons more than 250,000 people. About 40,000 students and workers gather at the Zócalo rally.
  • September 18

    The army occupies Ciudad Universitaria and detains more than 500 people.
  • September 23

    September 23
    Javier Barros Sierra (rector of the UNAM) presents his resignation to the Rectory. The petition was not accepted due to the support of university students and civil society, so Barros Sierra withdrew it shortly afterwards.
  • September 24

    The Army enters to the Casco de Santo Tomás after a severe confrontation with members of the university community. Many were wounded, killed and detained.
  • October 1

    The CNH refuses to break the strike. The Army leaves the premises of Ciudad Universitaria. The call for a meeting in Tlatelolco for the next day comes out.
  • 09:00

    CNH leaders meet with presidential representatives in Zacatenco. The meeting seems to follow a normal course.
  • 15:30

    A rally called by the CNH in Tlatelolco begins with the attendance of more than 15,000 people. There are students, union representatives and international journalists in the crowd.
  • 18:10

    Shots are fired between the army and paramilitary groups. Heavy-caliber weapons are used against people gathered in the square and all entrances are blocked.
  • 23:00

    A large number of CNH leaders are arrested, along with many other students. An estimated 250 people died in the tragedy
  • Period: to

    October 2

  • October 3

    October 3
    Shootings begin to die out. Soldiers search buildings and occupy apartments. In the course of the day, the Senate of the Republic fully justifies the intervention of the public forces to protect the life and tranquility of citizens.
  • October 9

    The CNH gives a lecture at the Lake House and agrees on the "Olympic Truce" which promises that there will be no demonstrations or conflicts during the Olympics (they took place between 12 and 28 October).