Map massachusetts bay colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony

  • When it began

    When it began
    During the Great Migration, thousands of people left England. They then traveled and settled in the English colonies. Because of this, in 1629, King Charles granted a group of Puritans a charter to make a colony in New England. This was known as the Massachusetts Bay Colony
  • Who led the Colony

    Who led the Colony
    John Winthrop was the leader of this colony. In 1630, he led a fleet of ships carrying Puritans from England to Massachusetts. He made the colony grow and become a bigger,better colony
  • Boston was named the capital of the colony

    Boston was named the capital of the colony
    In 1632, the colonists officially made Boston the capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. By this time, nearly 40,000 English colonists have moved to the colony. Boston was the center of the colony for colony
  • When did the charter for the colony get revoked?

    The charter for the colony was still in place until Charles II revoked it in 1684. This marked the time when the colony was on its own and the government no longer supported it. The colony was independant.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony merges with Plymouth Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony merges with Plymouth Colony
    When the Puritans arrived, they faced little resistance from the local Indians. They came well prepared and were ready to create a colony. They became friends with the Indians and in 1691, they two colonies merged together and it made the colony a lot more powerful.
  • When did the colony become a state?

    When did the colony become a state?
    The Massachusetts Bay Colony became a state in 1780. John Hancock made it official with a state seal. The colony was not officially made a state for 151 years. This shows that the colony never ended, just kept growing.