Mass shootings/gun control

  • Howard Unruh

    Howard Unruh
    Killed 13 people in Camden, New Jersey out of his apartment window that overlooked a busy intersection and area.
  • University of Texas - Austin

    Gunman opens fire from a tower killing 16 and wounding at least 30 people
  • Columbine

    2 shooters shot and killed 12 of their fellow students and 1 teacher.
  • Virginia Tech

    A gunman​ killed 32 people at two separate locations on the campus.
  • Sandy Hook

    Kills 26 people 20 of which who​ were elementary school kids and 6 teachers/faculty.
  • Pulse

    Omar Siddiqui Mateen opens fire in a gay nightclub​ in Orlando, Miami. Killing 49 people.
  • Las Vegas Concert Shooting

    Stephen Paddock killed 50 people and injured almost 500 people who were attending a country artist. The people had nowhere to escape, the shooting went on for over 10 minutes nonstop during this horrific event.
  • Automatic Gunfire Prevention Act

    This banned the possession​ and sale of devices that made semi-automatic guns into a gun that was basically automatic
  • Background Check Completion Act

    This closed the loophole of being able to purchase a gun if the check took more than 72 hours even if the buyer, in fact,​ couldn't buy a gun.
  • Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School

    A gunman killed 17 students and faculty​ in Flordia.