Sep 1, 1468
1468 A.C- Williams Caxton produces a book in England with the first printed advertisement
William Caxton produces a bookin England with the first printed advertisement. -
Sep 2, 1500
1500 B.C- Semites devise the alphabet
Semites devise the alphabet -
1609- First newspapers in Europe
1729- Ben Franklin prints money after calling for paper currency
1731- Ben Franklin founds the first public library
1821- National magazines[The saurday evening Post[
1827- First African American news paper[Freedom Journal]
1836 William Mcguffey begins writing reading textbooks
1914 U.S based Spanish paper debuts
1940s Audiotape is developed in Germany
1941 Pearl Harbor attack is reported by radio
1960s Rise of professional books
1961 john Fitzgerald Kennedy, debuts live press confrences
1962 J.C.R. Licklinder propses concept of internet
1970s TV sitcoms address social issues
1971 Microprocesser is developed
1975 VCR's are introduced
1980 Color television replaces black and white in american homes
1985 Microsoft Windows is launched
Compaq laptop computer is launced
3000 B.C.- Egyptians perfect hieroglyphics
Egyptians perfect hieroglyphics