
Martin's Life and the Reformation

  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Born

    Martin was born on 1483 nov. 10. in Germany
  • Mar 12, 1501

    young Martin

    young Martin
    At age of seventeen Martin entered the university of Erfurt. he recieved his bachelor degree in the first year.
  • Mar 12, 1505

    Martins life

    Recieved his Masters degree, According to his fathers wishes he enrolled in law school. during the summer a lightning bult struck near him as he was returning to school. terrified, he cried out "Help Saint Anne, PHelp me! I will become a Monk." But regreting his words Luther kept his bargon and droppped out of law school and entered the monistery.
  • Mar 12, 1512

    taught scripture

    taught scripture
    from 1512 until his death Martin taught scripture at the university of wittenberg in german state of Saxony.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    begining of Reformation

    begining of Reformation
    Posted statements attacking the "pardon-merchants." put them on the door of the castle church in Wittenberg and invited other scholars to debate him. this action began the Reformation- a movement for religious reform, led to founding of christain churches that didnt accept the pope athority.
  • Mar 12, 1520

    Threatened by pope

    Pope Leo X issued a decree threatening Luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements. Luther didn't take back a word, instead his students at Wittenberg gathered around a bonfire and cheered as he threw the Pope's decree into it.
  • Mar 13, 1521


    Lurther was summoned to the town of worms to stand trail. Told to recant, or take back his statements, Lurther refused.
  • Mar 13, 1522

    Coming back

    Returned to Wittenberg, there he discovered that many of his ideas were already being put into practice. Instead of continuing to seek reformms in the Catholic Church, Lurther and his followers had become a sepereate religious group called, Lutherans.
  • Mar 13, 1529


    German Prince who remained loyal to the pope agreed to join forces against that agreement, These protesting princes came to be known as Protestants.
  • Feb 18, 1546

    Death of Martin Luther

    Death of Martin Luther
    Matin died in year 1546 on feb. 18. He died of natural causes. He died in his home town. from 1533 to his death Lurther served as a dean of the theology faculty at Wittenberg.