Earliest Forms of Communication
Source (around 40,000 B.C.E)The earliest form of commuication were grunts and uncomprehendable and incoherent speech used to intimidate.This use was similar to animals like lions, tigers, and bears. There was no concept of language,written or vocal. -
Source (Around 100,000 BC) Scientest don't know exactly when humans developed language,but many believe that all languages derived from a common language concepted by native Africans. The language has been lost in time. It is believed to have evolved into later languages. -
Source (2000 BCE) In Mesopotamia, which is the first recorded civilization,Sumerian's developed the first recorded written language called Cuneiform. It consisted of pictograms to represent meanings of the many different objects. This language has very limited vocabulary. -
Phoenician Alphabet
Source (around 1500 BCE) The Phoenician alphabet was believed to be the first alphabet used. The alphabet consisted of 22 letters with no concept of vowels. The development of an alphabet propelled the evolution of linguistics. -
Greek Linguistics
Source (Around 900 BCE) Around 900 BCE Greeks developed a written language based off of the Phoenician alphabet with a few modifications like the replacement of unneeded consonants to represent vowels. This is believed to be the very first cohearent written language. Many languages have words derived from Greek orgin including Latin and English. -
Homing Pigeons
Source 776 bc. The ancient Romans used carrier, or homing pigeons to deliver messages. Homing pigeons are huge pigeons that have a, now "natural", instincts of homing due to human training in ancient times.They can find their home from up to 1,000 miles away, but are no irrelevent. -
Flag Semaphore
Source Also know as "optical telegraph" Flag Semaphore is the use of flag to communicate. Flag motions and colors represent different numbers, letters, or signals. The common use of Flag Semaphore in modern days are for signaling planes and ships.