Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther is born in Eisleben in the Holy Roman Empire. -
Oct 9, 1502
Bachelors degree
Luther recieves a bachelors degree from the University of Erfurt. -
Oct 9, 1505
Thunder Storm and Masters Degree
In 1505 Luther recieves his masters degree from the University of Efurt, He also gets caught in a life changing thunderstorm, which led him to become a monk. -
Oct 19, 1512
Dr. Luther
Martin Luther becomes a doctor of theology. -
Oct 10, 1516
In 1514 Luther became a priest of Witenburg's City Chruch. It is during this time period when he also gives lectures on Psalms, Romans and Gelations. It was also in 1516 when Johan Tetzel first sold his indulgences. -
Oct 30, 1517
95 Thesis
Luther forms his 95 Theses, which were later nailed onn the church door. -
Dec 10, 1517
Sends Theses to Rome. -
Oct 10, 1519
Luthers 95 Theses, circulated to France, Italy, and England. -
Oct 10, 1520
An Inquisition on Martin Luther begins. -
Oct 10, 1520
The Pope warns Luther that he will be excomunicated if he doesn't take back his 95 Theses, and recant within 60 days -
Jan 3, 1521
Luther is excommunicated by Pope Leo X, in the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem. -
Apr 15, 1521
Diet of Worms
Luther appears before the Diet of Worms, and is outlawed and exiled as a result. -
Mar 6, 1522
Luther secretly returns to Wittenberg.