Aug 10, 1513
created first lectures on the Psalms
Luther's critique of the theological world around him begins to take shape -
Mar 10, 1517
posted a sheet of theses
he posted a sheet of his theses for discussion. to be looked at before published -
Oct 31, 1517
wrote a letter to bishop
wrote a letter to bishop -
Oct 31, 1517
posted the 95 theses
Jan 22, 1521
pope excommunicated Luther
the pope told Luther he could not come back to the church... rihgt before the diet of worms -
Jan 28, 1521
diet of worms
May 8, 1521
luther recant his position in the diet of worms
he said “Here I stand, I can do no other” and recant his position -
May 10, 1522
Luther was wanted
he hid out at the Wartburg Castle until May of 1522 when he returned to Wittenberg. and then continued to teach -
Aug 21, 1525
luther got married
married Katharina Von Bora -
Feb 18, 1546
served as dean
Luther served as dean of the theology faculty at Wittenberg. up until he died