Martin Luther King Jr. Timeline

  • Birthday

  • Supreme Court banned segregation in interstate bus travel

    Supreme Court banned segregation in interstate bus travel
  • Marries Coretta Scott King

    Marries Coretta Scott King
  • Dr. King became the pastor of Dexter Avenue Church

  • Receives Ph. D in Systematic Theology

  • House is bombed

    House is bombed
  • Becomes President of S. Christian Leadership Conference

  • Congress passes Civil Rights Act of 1957

    Congress passes Civil Rights Act of 1957
  • I Have A Dream Speech

    I Have A Dream Speech
  • President Johnson signs Voting Rights Act

  • I’ve Been to the Mountain Top speech

  • Lead a march in Memphis, Tennessee

  • Murder of MLK, Jr.

    Murder of MLK, Jr.
  • MLK, Jr. Day becomes national holiday

    MLK, Jr. Day becomes national holiday
  • Coretta Scott King Dies