
Martin Luther King Jr By: Raymond Escobar

  • Correta Scott King was born

    Correta Scott King was born
  • Birth Born in Atlanta, Georgia

    Birth Born in Atlanta, Georgia
  • Got an award at Boston University

    Got an award at Boston University
  • Yolanda King was born

    Yolanda King was born
  • Martin Luther King III was Born

    Martin Luther King III was Born
  • Dexter Scott King was born

    Dexter Scott King was born
  • Bernice King was born

    Bernice King was born
  • Gave His Speech "I had a Dream" at the Lincoln Memmorial

    Gave His Speech "I had a Dream" at the Lincoln Memmorial
  • Assassinated By James Earl Ray in Memphis, Tenn.

    Assassinated By James Earl Ray in Memphis, Tenn.