King luther martin

Martin Luther King Jr.

By NikiBoo
  • Birth

    01/15/1929 Birth Martin Luther King is born in Atlanta, Gorgia
    He was born as Micheal Luther King Jr.
  • Baptized

    In May 1936 Martin was baptized but the event made little impression on him.
  • Grandmothers death

    Grandmothers death
    In May 1941 at age 12 Martin Jr.’s Grandmother died of a heart attack this event was very tragic for him it was even harder on him because he was out watching a parade against his parents’ wishes when she died. When receiving the news he was even more distraught and attempted suicide by jumping out a second story window at his home.
  • Morehouse College

    Morehouse College
    He then entered Morehouse College in Atlanta at the age of 15 in 1944.
  • Boycott

    On December 5th Martin Luther King was made president of the Montgomery Improvment Association
  • Sit where you wnat

    Sit where you wnat
    In 1956 the Supreme Court made segregation on buses illegal. This was important because not only was the boycott successful but African Americans were able to sit where they wanted to.
  • Trip to India

    Trip to India
    Martin went to India to study Gandhi's philosophy on nonviolence
  • Jail Time

    Jail Time
    Martin Luther king was arrested
  • Man of the year!!

    Man of the year!!
    Martin was named man of the year in Time magazine.
  • Murdered

    Martin Luther King jr. was shot while standing on a hotel balcony