
Martin Luther king Jr

  • Birth

    He was born at Alanta, Georgia
    When he was born, his true name was Michael Luther King Jr.
    When he got older, he changed his name into Martin. "Martin Luther King Jr." Hero File. Bruce Harris, June 2008. Web. 05 Mar. 2012.
  • Suicide :(

    At age 12, Martin's grandmother, Jennie, died of a heart attack. It was tragic for him, even more because he was out, watching a parade against his parents' wishes when she died. Because of that, Martin tried to commite suicide by jumping off of a two story building, through a window, at his house.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association which led the Montgomery Bus Boycott. During this time, African-Americans refused to ride the public bus system in Montgomery. King's home was bombed due to his involvement. Luckly, his family was safe.
  • Almost death (not getting picture for this)

    Martin was in Harlem, New York taking a book tour. A women walked up to him and asked who he was. Minutes later, she stabbed Martin on an accident. The women was also carring a gun. Martin Luther King Jr was about to die because he was bleeding to death.
  • He goes to india

    He goes to india
    Through Feburary and March, Martin when to India to study how Gandhi won his nonviolent protest. He met up with Gandhi and they talked about how to win a nonviolent protest without violence. If Martin didn't go there, he would have never known how to be nonviolence with a protest. Martin was also known for nonviolence.
  • He is in jail

    He is in jail
    On that day, he was arrested for speeding. He was going 30 mph in a 25mph speed road. When he was in jail, he wrote a letter to the same jail he was in. That made him get out of jail early. It also said that they should stop arresting african-americans for no reason. When Martin was writing the letter, that gave him hope to not give up now and keep going.
  • "I Have a Dream" Speech

    "I Have a Dream" Speech
    On that day, at the Lincoln Memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. was telling his speech to everyone there about what he wants. Later after his speech, he and some others met with John F. Kennedy. They disscussed about to end to segregation in public schools, greater protections for African-Americans, and more effective civil rights legislation amongst other things.
  • He got awarded

    He got awarded
    He was found on the cover of TIME magazine. King attends the signing ceremony of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at the White House on July 2. On December 10th, he was awarded the nobel peace awards.
  • Protesting

    Martin led about a thousand people to protest. They walked about 50 miles while protesting. People were holding signs that said to end segregation in schools and stores and everywhere. A couple days later, the protest failed and Martin was arrested again.
  • His death

    His death
    Martin died of an assassination. He was killed on his balconey. The gun was a calabure rifle. When he died, people started to bieleve him about freedom and being fair. Then there was rarely slavery.