Martin Luther King

  • 1963 BCE

    protest in Washington

    protest in Washington
    more than 200.000 attend in the protest for the civil rights of the afroamericans in Washington D.C. Martin Luther King King preonunce his speech "I have a dream" that he did like the lider of the movement for the covil rights with others liders, he gather with the president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and the vicepresident, Johnson in the wite house
  • 1953 BCE

    married and children

    married and children
    Martin Luther King was married in 1953 with Coretta Scott King. They have got 4 children: 2 daugters (yolanda King and Bernice King) and 2 sons (Martin Luther King lll and Dexter Scott King) his first daughter was born in 1956.
  • 1950 BCE


    when he was 15, Martin he went to Morehouse College, a university that was especially for young afroamerican people and he graduated in sociology three years later. He award a degree when he was 22 years old and he get the degree of doctor fofr the university of Boston 4 years later. In 1954 when he was 25 years old he was named sheperd of the church baptist of de Dexter Avenue in Montgomery, Alabama.
  • 1929 BCE


    He was born on the 15th January in 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. His mother was Alberta Williams and his father was Martin Luther King Sr. He had had two brothers, one sister, Christine King Farris and one brother Alfred Daniel Williams King.
  • Change his name

    Change his name
    When he was 6 years old, his father decided to change his name. He was called Michael, like his father, but after a travel to Germany he change his name to Martin Luther, and he changed to his son too.
  • Letter to Atlanta Newspaper

    Letter to Atlanta Newspaper
    When he was 17 years old, Martin wrote a letter to Atlanta Constitution newspaper, saying that the black people had to have the same basic rihgts and opurtunities as the white american people.
  • Moved to Montgomery

    Moved to Montgomery
    When Martin finally ended his teology studies in Boston, on 10th of October in 1954 he moved with his wife Coreta Scot to Montgomery, a state of Alabama
  • Rosa Parks on the bus

    Rosa Parks on the bus
    In the first of december of the 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give her sit on the bus to a white man. Then she was arrested by de police. Martin Luther King join to the Parks revolution and one year later on 13rd of November, the buses law was cancelled.
  • stabed in New York

    stabed in New York
    While he was signing his firs book, Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery story, in New York, Martin Luther King was stabed with a open letters by Izola Ware Curry, a women with 42 years old. He's moved in a hospital of Harlem. It's not the first attack that suffer Martin.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    After de murdered of the president John Fitzgerald Kennedy in Dallas 1963, the new prersident, Lyndon Johnson firm the law of the civil rights, that was the end of the racial segregation. King attach in the firm. One year later the sistem electoral was modificated the electoral sistem for guarantee the right to vote of the Afroamericans.
  • nobel peace prize

    nobel peace prize
    On the 10th of december in 1964 Martin Luther King recive nobel peace prize and he secure that all the money of the prize (54.000 dolars) being used for continue with the movement of the civil rights.
  • murdered in Memphis

    murdered in Memphis
    Martin arrived in Memphis for support a strike of black trash can. When he was in he's balcony in the motel Lorraine, James Earl Ray, a white men that he scape from the prision, he murdered from a shot, King was only 39 years old. His dead untie of conflagration and sacking in 168 cities. In Memphis today there's a museum of te civil rights, in his memory.