
Martin Luther King

  • When was he born and where?

    When was he born and where?
    Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta, Georgia
  • When did he graduate and where?

    When did he graduate and where?
    Martin Luther King graduated from Morehouse College in 1948
  • When did he marry and with who?

    When did he marry and with who?
    In 1953. King married Coretta Scott in Marion, Alabama.
  • When and where did he become a Baptist pastor of his own church?

    When and where did he become a Baptist pastor of his own church?
    In Montgomery, Alabama
  • When did he lead in Montgomery, in 1955-'

    When did he lead in Montgomery, in 1955-'
    He leads the boycott of the buses
  • What house was bombed?

    What house was bombed?
    The Martin Luther King house
  • Who and where did he lead a march in 1963?

    Who and where did he lead a march in 1963?
    Martin Luther King leads the march on Washington
  • What famous speech did in 1963?

    What famous speech did in 1963?
    I have a dream” Martin Luther King spech

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  • For what price he awarded?

    For what price he awarded?
    For the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • When, Where and by who was he assassinated?

    When, Where and by who was he assassinated?
    King is assassinated in Memphis, Tenn., by James Earl Ray.
  • When did the first national celebration of King’s birthday as a holiday take place?

    When did the first  national celebration of King’s birthday as a holiday take place?
    January 20 is the first national celebration of King's birthday as a holiday.