Martin Luther

By tlrhrmn
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Born in Eisleben, Germany

    Born in Eisleben, Germany
    Moved to Mansfeld in 1484, where he spent his childhood
  • 1502

    Goes to the University of Erfurt

    Goes to the University of Erfurt
    Received his master's degree in 1505
  • 1505

    Plague strikes Erfurt

    Plague strikes Erfurt
    Luther prayed while in a storm that if God spares him, he will become a monk
  • Oct 21, 1512

    Made chair of Theology at University of Wittenberg

    Made chair of Theology at University of Wittenberg
    Received this position only 2 days after earning his Doctorate of Theology
  • Period: 1513 to 1516

    Lecturing on the Psalms

    In this period, Luther gave famous lectures on the Psalms at University of Wittenberg
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    Luther nails his 95 Theses to the door of Lutherstadt Wittenburg's Castle Church
  • Dec 1, 1517

    Luther sends his 95 Theses to Rome

    Luther sends his 95 Theses to Rome
  • 1519

    Luther challenges the Pope's power

    Luther challenges the Pope's power
    Luther argues that according to Matthew 16:18, Popes and church councils were fallible
  • Jun 15, 1520

    Luther is warned by the Pope

    Luther is warned by the Pope
    The Pope sends a papal bull to warn Luther that he risks excommunication if he does not recant the 95 Theses
  • Dec 10, 1520

    Luther publicly sets fire to his papal bull

    Luther publicly sets fire to his papal bull
  • Jan 3, 1521

    Luther is excommunicated by the Catholic Church

    Luther is excommunicated by the Catholic Church
    Luther remains excommunicated to this day
  • May 25, 1521

    The Edict is Worms is presented

    The Edict is Worms is presented
    Luther is officially declared an outlaw, his literature is banned, his arrest is required, and anyone could kill him without legal consequence
  • Mar 6, 1522

    The Invocavit Sermons

    The Invocavit Sermons
    Luther sneaks back into Wittenberg and delivers eight sermons during Lent. He spoke about the roots of Christianity and eventually caused a revolt. He asked that the revolters surrender and help authorities restore order.