Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther was born in Eisleben, Saxony. His parents were Hans and Margarethe Luther, and his father refined copper for a living.
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Luther starts school
When Luther was five years old he started going to a Latin school in Mansfeld Germany. There he learned the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostles’ Creed, and morning and evening prayers.
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Start of law school
Having a masters degree in liberal arts, Luther started going to law school because his father wanted him to. Less than six weeks later he quit.
https://school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/Martin-Luther/108504 -
Jul 17, 1505
Became a monk
Luther left his law school and entered the monastery in Erfurt of the Order of the Hermits of St. Augustine. Luther had been scared by a thunderstorm during past events and vowed to become a monk if he made it out alive. Luther’s father was very unhappy with him for abandoning a respective and prominent career in law to join the monastery.
https://school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/Martin-Luther/108504 -
Oct 31, 1517
95 Theses
Luther did not like how some people in the church like Johann Tetzel promoted the selling of indulgences and wrote a list of 95 Theses about many problems the church had. He posted his thoughts on the door of the church in Wittenberg. They denied the right of the pope to forgive sins by the sale of indulgences, among other things. The theses were widely spread in Germany and caused a lot of arguing.
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The pope issued a Bull of Excommunication against Luther and ordered Emperor Charles V to execute it. Instead, the emperor called a “diet,” or council, at Worms and summoned Luther for examination. The diet demanded that Luther recant, but Luther wouldn't do it and was outlawed.
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Period: 1521 to 1524
With the help from his friend, the elector of Saxony, Luther hid in the castle of Wartburg, near Eisenach. There he remained in disguise. During his time at Wartburg he started translating the New Testament into German. Finally, it was safe to go back to Wittenberg because the emperor was to preoccupied with the war with France.
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Period: 1525 to 1546
The rest of his life
After marrying Kate, Luther had six kids. They were Margarete Kunheim, Magdalena Luther, Elisabeth Luther, Paul Luther, Hans Luther, and Martin Luther. He finished copying the bible in 1534 and spent most of his time writing, preaching, and organizing the reformed church in Saxony.
https://school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/Martin-Luther/275557 -
Jun 15, 1525
Luther got married to Katharina von Bora. She was a former nun and the marriage emphasized Luther's rejection of monasticism and celibacy for the clergy.
https://school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/Martin-Luther/275557 -
Period: 1533 to 1546
Dean of Theology
Martin Luther served as the dean of theology at University of Wittenberg. During this time he suffered from many illnesses, including arthritis, heart problems and digestive disorders.