Martin luther e1286821486202

Martin Luther and Reformation

  • Nov 10, 1483


    Martin Luther was born
  • Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546

    Martin Luther and the Reformation

    HIs life
  • Jul 2, 1504


    Martin Luther became a monk.
  • Oct 19, 1512


    He taught scripture at the University of Wittenberg in a German State of Saxony. He was awarded his Doctor of Theology
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Making Changes

    He decided to take a public stand against the actions of a Friar named Johann Tetzel
  • Mar 12, 1520


    Pope Leo X issued a decree threatening Luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements.
  • Mar 12, 1520

    more stuff

    Luther didnt take back his words, instead his students gathered around a bonfire and burned the Popes decree. He was later EXCOMMUNICATED.
  • Jan 28, 1521

    Please take back your statements

    Charles V summoned Luther to the towns of worms to stand trial and was told to take back his statements, he STILL refused.
  • Mar 6, 1522

    HIs Return

    Luther returned to Witenberg, there he discoverd that many of his ideas have already been put into practice.
  • Mar 13, 1522

    New Religion

    New Religion
    When Luther returned to Wittenberg, he discovered his ideas were already out into practice. Instead of continuing to seek reforms in the Catholic Church, Luther and his followers had become a serperate religious group called the Lutherns.
  • Mar 13, 1522

    German Translation of New Testament

    Luther had published his German translation of the New Testament.
  • Apr 13, 1523


    Martin Luther married Katharine Von Bora, one of 12 nuns he had helped escape from Nimbschen Cistercian Covent.
  • Mar 13, 1524

    Peasants' War

    German peasants, excited by reformers, talk of Christian freedom demanded an end to serfdom. Bands of angry peasants went about the countryside raiding monastaries, pillaging, and burning. This horrified Luther
  • Mar 13, 1525

    More Peasants' War

    Luther wrote a pamphlet urging the German princes to show peasants no mercy. The princes'armies crushed the revolt, killing as many as 100,000 people. Feeling betrayed, many peasants rejected Luther's religious leadership.
  • Mar 13, 1529

    Germany War

    German princes who remained loyal to the Pope agreed to join forces against Luther's ideas. The princes who supported Luther signed a protest against the agreement. These protesting princes became known as protestants. Eventually, the term Protestants was applied to Christians who belonged to non-Catholic churches.
  • Mar 13, 1534

    German Translation of the Old Testament

    Luther and his collaborators completed the translation of the Old Testament, when the whole bible was published.
  • Feb 18, 1546


    Died at the age of 62!