Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther
Martin Luther was born on November 10, 1483 in Eisleben in Saxony, He is the son of Hans and Margaret Luther. His parents were peasants. His father worked hard to raise the family status.He became a small scale entrepreneur. Source: (Peters 23) -
Jan 16, 1493
Christopher Columbus returns
In January 1493 Christopher Columbus returns. He spent over a month on the island of Hispaniola. The king and Queen waited for his arrivial. -
Jul 1, 1505
Martin Luther becomes a monk
After a horrible storm Martin luther later becomes a monk. In 1505 Luther entered Augustinian Monastery in Erfurt. In 1506 he took monks vow. -
Jan 1, 1507
Mona Lisa finished
The Mona Lisa was finished in 1507. Later on Leonardo da Vinci was appointed engineer and painter in france at the court of louis XII. -
Jan 1, 1507
Martin Luther father of theology
The exact date has not been published but in 1507 Martin Luther was ordained as a priest in Erfurt. He studies theology at the university of Erfurt. He came into contact with the ideas of the humanists. Later on after that he took a spot and position as a theology professor at Wittenberg University "Leucorea" -
Jan 1, 1543
Martin Luther sets the stage for holocaust
A exact date has not been published but in 1543 Martin Luther wrote a pamphlet titled "On The Jews And Their Lives". He despised jews and this was said that it helped set the stage for the holocaust. -
Feb 18, 1546
Martin Luther death
Martin Luther died in Eisleben, Germany on February 18th 1546. On his death bed he prayed "Into your hands. I commany my spirit. You have saved me, Father you faithful god.