Nov 10, 1483
Martin was born on November 10th in 1483. Eislaben, Germany was his hometown. He influenced countless Christian people when he activated the protestant reformation in the 16th century. He devoured numerous opinions of the Roman Catholicism and that caused his followers to rupture the Roman Catholic Church and and traditionalized protest. -
Period: Nov 10, 1483 to Feb 18, 1546
Martin Luther
Jul 1, 1505
Martin experienced a thunderstorm. He was so terrified that he beleived he was going to die. He prayed out saying "Save me, St, Anna, and I shall become a monk." St. Anna was the mother of the Virgin Mary and a saint of miners. Many didn't beleive that Martin would just randomly want to enter the Augustinian Monastery but, he did no matter what the people said. Martin also knew he his parents would be fed up with him if he did but he also wanted to stay commited to god. -
Jan 1, 1508
Accomplishment in Studies
He taught Theology at the University of Wittenberg. He accomplished to earn his Bachelor's degree in the studies of the Bible. Also, he received a Bachelor's degree in "The Sentences" written by Peter Lombard. "The Sentences" was the main textbook of Theology in all the Middle Ages. Latter, he recived a Doctor's degree of Theology from the University of Wittenberg. -
Oct 31, 1517
95 Theses
Luther Mastered the 95 Theses and that reveled the Catholic Churches' unhallowed practices. This document defined every statement clearly. The main idea of the 95 Theses was the loathing towards the selling of indulgences and creating new systems called "faith". Martin stated "One that puts the freedom of an individual believer above the traditions of the church." -
Nov 9, 1520
3 Primary Premises
Martin composed 3 phamphlets defining his premises. Justification by Faith, the Authority of Scripture and the Priesthood of all beleivers. He declared that Christian beleivers were spiritually equal before god. That meant denying the nun's, preist's and the monk's had any qualities by virtue of their vocations because, "The Preisthood of all Beleivers." -
Apr 16, 1521
Diet of Worms
The Diet of Worms was a metting which was in Germany, city of Worms. This meeting was significant towards Martin because it was about supporting Martin's ideas and helping him is declared to be illegal. It was Charles V who declared this fact and he was the German emperor. After Martin left the meeting he was known to be a outlaw and the emperor imposed an Imperial Act "Wormser Edikt." -
Sep 21, 1522
New Testament
Luther addresed his audience in simple language. He translated the Bible from Koine Greek to German in order for all the people that live in Germany to understnd it in the Roman Empire. This brought the teachings of Christ and Apostels. This testament touched many people's hearts and became the book to the school's, churches', and many houses throughout the communities. -
Nov 1, 1524
The Peasants' War
This was caused many changes because the peasants wanted their right for freedom due to the Reformation. Martin did not like the idea of that so he fought back with every single one of the peasants and showed no support. He used his revolt and that caused the peasants to loose through lack of leadership and communication. More that 200,000 peasants were killed. -
Jun 15, 1525
Martin got married to Katherine Von Bora on 15th of june in 1525. She was a nun who fleted from a convent in Nimbsch. She was 16 years younger than Martin. This caused many problems and led his Reformation into a downfall. Katharine took over the household and the expences. She was a great housewife and a gardener who nurished 6 of Luther's sister's childeren. They let their students stay in their house to help with expences. -
Feb 18, 1546
Throughout Martin's life he beleived that a Christian's soul sleeps after it is seperated from the body when a human dies. His last act was he prayed for an attack on the Papacy.He died around 3:00 in the morning on Febuary 18th , 1546. The body was transported to Wittenberg and it was burried on the 22nd of Febuary in the castle church in Melancthon.