Martin Luther

By riboi
  • Nov 10, 1483


  • Nov 11, 1483

    He is baptized "Martin" in the Church of St Peter and St Paul.

  • 1484

    The family moves to the village of Mansfeld-Lutherstadt.

    setting him in the environment fro which he can make changes.
  • 1498

    Martin Luther starts school in Eisenach

    giving him the education he needs to get through his higher eduaction.
  • 1505

    Becomes a monk

    sets him in the religious environment.
  • 1505

    Caught in a terrible storm in Stotternheim (near Erfurt)

    This event causes him to become a monk.
  • 1510

    Luther walks to Rome, a distance of around 1,000 miles.

    showing his dedication to God.
  • 1512

    Doctor of Theology in Wittenberg

    giving him more knowledge to create changes in the church.
  • 1517

    Nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church

    started the reformation of Catholicism.
  • 1518

    Luther is charged with heresy in Rome

    He defends himself in Augsburg with arguments based on the Bible rather than church doctrine. He has to flee, returning to Lutherstadt Wittenberg under the protection of Frederick the Wise (the Elector Frederick III).
  • 1521

    Outlawed and exiled to the Wartburg

    stood up for what he believed in and took the punishment.
  • 1522

    Luther returns to Lutherstadt Wittenberg and sets off a series of theological and social reforms, such as education for all.

    He encourages musicians and poets to write music and hymns for church services.
  • 1525

    Married Katharina von Bora

  • 1534

    Published the complete Bible in German

    giving the people of Germany a chance to read the bible.
  • Feb 18, 1546

    Died in Eisleben