Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther was born in Eisleben Germany.
May 14, 1484
In 1484 his family moved to Mansfeld.
Apr 15, 1497
Luther attends school in Magdeberg
Mar 13, 1498
Martin Luther went back to Eisleben for school.
Mar 13, 1498
Luther attends parish school in Eisenach, staying with relatives
Mar 13, 1501
Martin Luther entered the University of Erfurt obtained Master of Arts degree.
Mar 13, 1502
Receives Baccalaureate in the Liveral Arts
Jul 2, 1505
Caught in a thunderstorm, pledges to become a monk (July 2)
Jul 13, 1505
Receives Master of Arts; plans for law school
He was determined to become a lawyer but in 1505 his life changed directions. He was stuck in a thunderstorm where he called out to St. Anne, the patron saint of miners, “Save me, St. Anne, and I’ll become a monk!” The storm subsided and he was saved. -
Mar 13, 1506
Takes monastic vows
Mar 13, 1507
Ordained priest
Jun 13, 1507
Begins study of theology at University of Erfurt
Mar 13, 1512
Luther receives doctorate in Theology
May 13, 1512
Begins work as Professor of Theology at U of Wittenburg
Mar 25, 1514
Becomes priest of Wittenberg's City Church
Mar 25, 1515
Lectures on the Psalms
Mar 25, 1516
Lectures on Romans
Mar 25, 1517
Lectures on Galatians
Mar 25, 1518
Lectures on Hebrews
Apr 25, 1518
Inquisition on Luther begins in Rome
Mar 25, 1519
Death of Emperor Maximillian - Rome distracted from Luther
Mar 25, 1520
Freedom of a Christian, Babylonian Captivity, Address to German Nation
Apr 25, 1520
Inquisition on Luther taken up again
May 25, 1520
Papal bull Exsurge Domine issued (June 15)
Jun 25, 1520
Luther burns bull and canon law with students (December 10)
Mar 25, 1521
Excommunicated in Rome (January 3)
Apr 25, 1521
Arrives at Diet of Worms (April 16)
May 25, 1521
Departs Worms (April 25)
May 25, 1521
Kidnapped by Frederick, taken to Wartburg Castle (May 4)
Mar 25, 1523
On Secular Authority
Mar 25, 1524
The Peasants' War
Mar 25, 1525
Bondage of the Will and Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants
Mar 25, 1530
Edict of Worms
Mar 25, 1531
Smalkaldian Alliance formed
Mar 25, 1543
On the Jews and Their Lies
Feb 18, 1546
Death of Luther in Eisleben on February 18
Mar 25, 1546
Smalkaldian War
Luther's grave is opened - his remains remained! (February 14)