Martin Luther

By Reekers
  • Jul 2, 1505

    Caught in a thunderstorm

    Caught in a thunderstorm
    Luther was cought in a thunderstorm and was nearley killed, he vowed to God to become a Monk
  • Jan 1, 1514

    Becoming Priest

    Becoming Priest
    Luther becomes the Priest of Wittenburg's city church
  • Oct 31, 1517

    The 95 Theses

    The 95 Theses
    Martin Luther posted the statements on the door of the castle church in Wittenburg and invited other scholars to debate him
  • Jan 1, 1520

    inquisition of luther

    inquisition of luther
    the church starts to persicute luther for what he posted on the doors of the church and he had a choice to eather be excomunicated or repeal his statment
  • Jan 1, 1520

    The Popes Threat

    The Popes Threat
    Pope Leo X issued a degree threatening Luther with excommunication unless he took back his statements, Luther did not take back a word.
  • Jan 3, 1521

    The Emperors Opposition

    Holy Roman Emperor Charles V summoned Luther to the town of Worms to stand trial. Told to recant, or take back his statements, he refused.
  • Jan 3, 1521


    Excommunicated in Rome
  • Apr 25, 1521

    Luther Moves

    Luther Moves
    Departs Worms
  • May 4, 1521


    Kidnapped by Frederick, taken to Wartburg Castle
  • Jan 1, 1522

    The Emperor's Opposition

    The Emperor's Opposition
    Luther returned to Wittenburg.
  • Jan 1, 1524

    The Peasant's Revolt

    The Peasant's Revolt
    Some people began to apply Luther's revolutionary ideas to society. In 1524, German peasants, excited by reformers talk of Christian freedom, demanded an end to serfdom.