Nov 10, 1483
Martin Luther was born
Martin Luther was born in November 10,1483 into a strict German Cathloic family. he was born in Elesben. -
Nov 10, 1483
(november 10, 1483-Febuary 18, 1546) was a chrisitian theologian and augustinian monk whose teachings inspired the protestant reformation and deeple influenced the doctrines of protestant and other christian traditions. -
May 10, 1484
moves to mansfield
Luther family moves to mansfeild. -
Aug 20, 1497
luther school-boy
he began schools st the age of 4. -
Jul 17, 1505
luther went to college
He was sent by his father because his father wanted him to be a lawyer, while he was there he studied bible and teaching of the catholic church. he went to college at university of Erfurt. -
Oct 19, 1512
the university of wittenburg conferred upon martin luther the degree of doctor of theology. -
Oct 31, 1517
changed course of history
luther changed the course of human history when he nailked his 95 theses to the church door at wittenburg. -
Apr 17, 1521
diet of worms
consequently luther was summoned to either renounce or reaffirm them at the diet of worms. -
May 25, 1521
Emperor issued his edict of worms, declaring martin luther and outlaw. -
Jun 13, 1525
in june martin luther got married to Katharina Von bora a former nun, began tradition of clerical marriage within christion traditions. -
Feb 18, 1546
luther died
Martin luther died at age 62. He died from a health that he has been suffering since 1531-1546 he has kidney and bladder stones. he died the same place he was born.