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Martin Luther

  • Nov 10, 1483

    Birth Of Martin Luther

    Birth Of Martin Luther
    *Martin Luther was born on this day.
    *he was born in Eislenben,Sexony
  • Jan 1, 1501


    *Martin enrolled in to the university of Enfurt
    *His family wanted him to be a laywer
  • May 9, 1501

    Quesioning Faith???????

    *Vowed to be an monk
    *Started studying the new and old testaments
    *Sarted questioning his faith
  • Jul 4, 1508

    Went to Wittenburg

    *Was sent to Wittenburg and studied moral philosophy
  • Oct 31, 1517

    95 Thesis

    *Luther creates the 95 Thesis
    *which were created over the debates on religion
  • Jan 1, 1522

    Translates Bible

    *Luther translates the bible into German by himself
  • Aug 27, 1523

    Temporal Authority

    *Luther published an important work on temporal authority
  • Jun 3, 1525

    Luther gets married

    *Luther gets married to Katharine von Bora
    *which as a formor nun
  • Mar 1, 1533

    The Bible Verse That Questioned Luther

    Romans 1:17
    for the justice of the lord is revealed from faith to faith in that it is written for the just shall, live by faith