
Martin King Luther Jr.

By mrhodes
  • A King is born

    On this day, Michael Luther King Jr. (later known as Martin Luther King Jr) was born, in Atlanta Georgia.
  • College

    Martin Luther left high school prior to graduation, due to early admittance into a college program
  • Life Decision

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. decided to become a minister and delivered his first sermon in his father's church, in Atlanta, at age 18.
  • Promotion

    Martin Luther King is appointed to serve as the assistant pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.
  • Graduation

    Martin Luther King Jr. graduates from College in Atlanta with a B.A. in Sociology.
  • Divinity

    He graduates with a Bachelor of Divinity degree at the age of 22, which enhances his ministry.
  • Graduate Study

    Martin Luther King Jr. began studying systematic theology as a graduate student at Boston University.
  • Marriage

    Martin marries Coretta Scott at her parents home in Marion, Alabama.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks is arrested in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give her seat on the bus to a white male passenger.
  • President

    Martin Luther King becomes the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association which was organized due to protest against the incident involving Rosa Parks and the bus boycott begins.
  • Tragedy

    Martin King Luther Jr's house is bombed, luckily nobody is injured.
  • Presidential Meeting

    Dr. King meets with President Eisenhower to discuss business regarding segregeation.
  • Stabbing

    Dr. King is stabbed by a woman while at a book signing in Harlem, New York
  • Trouble with the Law

    Dr. King is arrested for breaking the state of Georgia's trespassing law while picketing in Atlanta.
  • President Kennedy

    Martin Luther King meets with President Kennedy to gain his support for the civil rights movement.
  • "I have a Dream"

    Martin Luther King meets with President John F. Kennedy and after their meeting Dr. King delivers his famous "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to a crowd at the Marched on Washington for Jobs and Freedom