
  • Launch of Mars 1, an attempt to reach mars, But lost communications in route

    It was the first mariner mission It was intended to be a Venus flyby. The rover was destroyed by the Range Safety officer 293 seconds after launch.
  • Launch of mariner 3 an attempt to send a flyby to Mars but failed to succeed

    This rover was a 260 KG solar cell and battery powered spacecraft, designed to make measurments of Mars and photos of the surface and transmit them back to Earth.
  • Launch of mariner 4 first U.S flyby to Mars

    Also went in flyby mode, was designed to take close up pictures of Mars and transmit thse pictures back tp Earth
  • Launch of mariner 6 a flyby to Mars

    Teamed up with mariner 7. These two (Mariner 6,7) were launched 31 days apart. They both tramsmitted at most 143 pictures back to Earth.
  • Launch of mariner 7 probe also as a flyby

    Teamed up with mariner 6 as a duel space craft mission to Mars. It was a rover that was going into flyby mode. The main reason that they sent thses two were to study the surface and atmosphere.
  • Launch ofo viking 1 now an official NASA artifact

    Launched within a week between Viking 2, each consisted of a orbiter and a lander
  • Viking 1 landed safely on Mars

    On the seventh anniversary of Appallo 11 lunar launch. The viking 1 became the first space craft to land on Mars
  • The rover "Viking 2" safely landed on the martain surface

    This rover spent over three years on the surface taking pictures of the surrounding area. It also took pictures of craters also.
  • Japan launched rover "Nozomi". This rover failed to orbit.

    Had a whole in the fuel tank and gas wasted, did not have enough acceleration to boost itself to reach Mars
  • Mars rover "Spirit" launched toward Mars

    The warrenty was was 90 martain days and this rover turned out to last 2,200 martain days. Spirit actually gopt trapped in a sand trap and struggled to get out. And eventually stopped sending information back to Earth.
  • Mars rover "Spirt" landed safely at crater Gusav on Mars

    has traveled 4.5 kilometers across the martain surface while investigating rocks and soils.
  • The launch of the rover designed to examine soils in the martain polar region

    Actually found liquid water that has interacted with the martain surface throught modern time and the planets history
  • Launch of the Mars rover

    Also called "Monster Truck" took a 354 million mile journey to Mars, it is the biggest robot equipped ever sent to explore another planet.
  • Rover lands on mars

    Rover lands on Mars at 1:30. turning the rover into "safe mode"
  • successfully collect a sample from Mars

    Placed a rock powder sample from a drilled martain rock into two onboard instraments
  • Launch of mariner 8 attempt to copy mariner 9

    Also known as mariner-H, was part of Mariner Mars 71 project, it was intended to go to Mars and orbit and return images and data