Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Born

    Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15,1929
  • Education

    1935-1942 Martin Luther King starts school at Yonge street elementary school . Then his education moves on to David T. Howard elementary school and Atlanta University Labortory school.
  • Attends highschool

    Attends highschool
    Martin Luther King attends Booker T. Washington High School but leaves before graduation because he got excepted into the Alanta Morehouse Collage program.
  • Minister

    Martin Luther King decides to become a minister and deliverd his first prepared serom in his fathers church.
  • Graduates from Crover

    Graduates from Crover
    Martin Luther King Jr. graduates from Crover with a Batchelor of Divintity degree at the age of 22.
  • Marries

    Martin Luther King marries Coretta Scott at her parents home in Marion, Alabama
  • Boycott

    First bus boycott starts in Baton Rouge,Louisiana .
  • Bombing

    Martin Luther Kings house is bombed but there are no injuries
  • Meets President

    Martin Luther King meets with president Eisenhower.
  • Moves

    Martin Luther King and his family move to Atlanta to be assistant pastor at his fathers church.
  • Meets with president Kennedy

    Meets with president Kennedy
    Martin Luther king meets up with president Kennedy to gain his support for the civil rights movment.
  • dies

    While standing on his balcony, Martin Luther King is shot in the jaw by a racist criminal and is killed.