Marley and Me, John Grogan, Nonfiction, 289 pages and The Maze Runner, James Dashner, Fiction, 374 pages
By cernstro
Marley and Me, John Grogan, Nonfiction, 289 pages, Ch 1-15, pages 1-141 pages read: 141
John and Jenny Grogan need to prepare themselves for children, so they buy a puppy and name him Marley (after the singer Bob Marley). Soon their home is babyproofed- anything breakable is out of tail reach. After that, Jenny gets pregnant but it is a miscarriage. A little while after, John and Jenny go to Ireland and Jenny gets pregnant agin, and within 20 months she has had two boys, Patrick and Colin. Jenny, stressed with taking care of two kids, tells John to get rid of Marley. total:141 -
The Maze Runner, James Dashner, Fiction/Fantasy, 374 pages Ch. 1-5, pages 1-30 pages read: 30
Thomas wakes up in a metal elevator, and rememebrs only his name. He enters the Glade: a little square filled with young boys and surrounded by an endless, unsolvable maze. Thomas meets Alby and Newt, the leaders, Ben, the kid who was stung, and Chuck, the previous "greenbean" or new guy. He also is omniously warned by a guy that he was seen in "The Changing" and that he shouldn't be here. The runners come out of the maze and the walls close, with Thomas scared and confused. total: 171 -
Maze Runner Ch. 5-12 pages 30-80 pages read: 50
At bed time, Thomas realized that the Glade felt familiar, like he had been there before. He also knew he wanted to be a Runner.The next morning,Newt came and showed him a Griever- the frightening beasts that lurked in the maze.Still Thomas felt he needed to be Runner.Then Alby came and took Thomas on a tour. Before they finished,the "box" came and brought a girl- the first ever.She held a note that she "shes the last one ever" then fell into a coma. Everyone says its Thomas's fault. total: 221 -
Marley and Me Ch. 15-18 pages 135-179 pages read: 44
Stressed out, Jenny wanted Marley gone. John worked hard, and finally Marley passed obidience school. Soon after devouring his diploma, Jenny gets a call asking if Marley would try out for the movie "The Last Home Run". Thrilled, the family of five head down to the set, where Marley gets the part and plays the crazy family dog in the movie! 2 years later, the Grogan family watches their dog on screen. Also, the Grogan's move to Boca, a rich area that John has ridiculed in his column. total: 265 -
Maze Runner Ch. 12-19 pgs 80-125 pages read: 45
Tom sees a runner come in early with news: they had found a dead griever. Minho (the runner) and Alby went out the next day to see, but the Griever was alive and stung Alby. Minho was dragging Alby back just as the doors were closing and Tom made a decision to go into the Maze. Minho thought they were going to die and ran off leaving Tom and unconsious Alby. Tom (using the vines) tied himself and Alby high up on the wall and waited, praying the approaching Grievers wouldn't see them. total: 310 -
Maze Runner Ch. 19-28 pgs 126-175 pages read: 49
The griever climbs the wall and Tom,leaving Alby hanging, swings to the groud.Tom runs but is cornered by 3 more and the fourth one coming behind.He waits then dives, escaping the one and running, where he finds Minho, who has an idea.They go to the cliff and trick the grievers to fall off.Once the three boys are home, a Gathering is called and Tom becomes a runner.Alby goes through the Changing (almost kills himself) and tells Newt to "protect the maps" and "be careful with the girl" total: 359 -
Maze Runner Ch. 28-33 pgs176-209 pages read: 33
Newt and Tom go visit the girl and Tom suddenly hears her voice in his head. She tells him her name is Teresa and "It was you and me, Tom. We did this to them. To us." Tom doesn't understand it but didn't tell anyone he could hear her in his mind. The next day Tom was in the Slammer as punishment for going into the Maze at night. After that Tom had his first day of training- endless running thhrough the maze and learning. total: 392 -
Marley and Me, Ch.18-22 pgs 180-217 pages read: 37
John realizes Marley is "mentally unstable" and that their is virtually no cure for his condition. Shortly after, Jenny is pregnant again with a little girl, Colleen. Then comes John's 40th birthday and Jenny throws a big surprise party for him. By chance, John sees that his favorite gardening magazine is looking for an editor and Jenny encourages him to send an application. He gets the job and The family moves North, hoping for snow. The plane flight is eventful. total: 466 -
Maze Runner Ch.33-38 pgs 210- 247 pages read: 37
Right before falling asleep, Teresa speaks in Tom's mind again and says "Tom, I just triggered the Ending" When Tom wakes, the sun is gone,the sky just gray. Tom suspects this happened because the "sun" wasn't the real sun. He thinks it has something to do with Teresa. Minho and Tom still run though and discover the Griever Hole, where the Grievers go in the day.Then when they get back, Teresa is awake and Tom and Teresa talk. That night, the doors don't close. Everyone worries. total: 429 -
Maze Runner Ch. 38-41 pgs 248-266 pages read: 18
The night is stressful and fear-filled. Everyone is scared but Tom manages to catch a few fitful hours of sleep. Around 2 in the morning, Gally suddenly comes bursting in saying that the grievers will kill one Glader every night until every last Glader is gone, then Gally proceeds to let the Griever take him. Everyone is shocked. Then Tom and Teresa make a realization that the maze is spelling something but then they find out all the maps were burnt. total: 447 -
Maze Runner Ch. 41-45 pgs 266-286 pgs read: 20
After talking to Teresa, Tom goes to find out if any of the maps survived. Turns out, Newt and Minho hid all the maps in the basement of the Homestead. Tom and Teresa are eager to see if their theory is true- soon Minho, Newt, Tom, and Teresa are hard at work transferring maps onto wax paper. After a while, thier hard work is rewarded with the letter F. The maps soon spell out FLOAT and CATCH. Then all the runners leave to explore. Tom finds out how to talk to Teresa in his head. total: 467 -
Maze Runner Ch.45-57 pgs 287-341 pgs read: 54
The Gladers have figured out the code: FLOAT CATCH BLEED DEATH STIFF PUSH. Tom realizes he needs to go through the Changing and get memories back so that night he gets stung and gets the serum. When he wakes up, he knows what they need to do and that Teresa and he made the Maze. He tells everyone they need to go throught he Griever Hole. That night they go but are met with lots of Grievers. Teresa, Tom, and Chuck get inside the hole while everyone else fights the Grievers. total: 521 -
Maze Runner, Ch. 57- the end. pgs: 342-374 pgs read: 32
Tom, Chuck, and Teresa get into the hole and to the computer and Teresa starts punching in the code words when a Griever comes in. Tom fights it and kills it but soon more come. Chuck finds the last button to push and the Grievers shut down and doors open. The remaining Gladers go through the door and down a long long slide to the Creators. Chuck is murdered and then rescuers come and tell the Gladers about the "Flare", a sickness. They go to a safe house and go to sleep, almost happy. total:590 -
Marley and Me,Ch.22- 23 pages 217-227 pages read: 10
The Grogan family move into their new house and property- complete with a woods and creek. Marley and the kids anxiously await the first snow but still none comes, until finally (way after Christmas) a big snowfall comes. The kids and Marley love it, and John and Marley take an unplanned toboggan ride down onto the frozen creek together. Everyone is happy. total: 601 -
Mar;ey and Me, Ch. 23-25 pages 227-247 pages read:20
The Grogan family decides to get chickens, one rooster and four hens. Marley at first attempts to chase the chickens, but soon becomes friends with them. John discovers that Marley is deaf and that his hips are starting to fail him. John and Jenny can no longer ignore the tell-tale signs of aging on his face. One night, Marleys disapears in the rain and Jenny and John spend hours looking for him only to find him on the front porch later on.That winter, his age provides many obstacles. total: 621 -
Marley and Me, Ch. 25- the end. pages: 249-289 pages read: 40
Marley is boarded at a kennel and while there, Marley's stomach bloats and flips and the vet expects it to flip again. Against all odds, Marley survives. Many other close encounters with death occur and then Marley's stomach flips again. John and Jenny decide the best thing to do is put him down. A long period of mourning follows and John writes a column about his dog. At the end, John and Jenny see an ad for a dog that is like Marley reincarnated. They go to see him. total: 663