Marketing Timeline

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    6th May 2003. I began to breathe.
  • Period: to

    My Marketing Timeline

  • Hot Wheels

    Hot Wheels
    I saw this ad in 2008 and I distinctively remember it because it was the main reason that I got the certain extension for Hot Wheels. I loved Hot Wheels as a kid. They were literally my life. Most of my toys are now gone and lost somewhere deep in space.
    (Hot Wheels)[]
  • Beyblade

    I saw this ad for this toy that was booming back in 2009 (and is still quite a thing even now!). Needless to say, I owned at least 10 of these toys. I have a bittersweet relationship with this ad because I like it for the reason that it's a Beyblade ad and I loved it, but I also disliked it for the reason that I used to always nag my mom to buy me one if I got a good score in a test. Ad was uploaded on YouTube on Feb. 26 2011.
  • Pokémon Trading Card Game

    Pokémon Trading Card Game
    I saw this advertisement in 2010. Every kid in school had a set of cards to play with at school and the teachers would confiscate them within a minutes reach. I was wise and kept them at home. I think this ad is slightly off because it doesn't really portray how a game goes in reality. In reality, players would be screaming out of hype. Ad was published on June 24 2014 on YouTube. Pokémon
  • Milo

    I first saw an advertisement for Milo when I was in 2nd grade. There are many variations of the advertisement, but the football themed ad has always stuck in my head for the longest time. The mini drinks are always sold around Indonesia so I buy them quite often. Milo (2011).
  • Tokopedia

    I saw this ad back in 2012 about the famous online store Tokopedia (it's basically the eBay equivalent of Indonesia). Out of the hundreds of ads I've seen on both YouTube and TV, this advertisement stands out because I was later informed that the man in the advertisement was an popular old music teacher in my high school! Sadly he was not around when I entered the high school in 2016.
  • Head and Shoulders

    Head and Shoulders
    I remember seeing this ad at home and the only real reason it been stuck in my head is because my brother used to be very picky with his hairstyle, so whenever this ad was played, I would start laughing at him and he'd throw a temper. Also the advertisement has Joe Hart so I just like the add a lot more than I should.
    Head and Shoulders
  • Heinz Beans / Haynes Beans

    Heinz Beans / Haynes Beans
    I remember distinctively seeing this ad during January 2014 when winter was coming to a slow end (January in England is still considered winter). This ad has stayed in my mind purely because of how obscure it is. It also freaked me out.
    Heinz Beans
  • Nike

    I saw this ad quite a while after it was released on YouTube because I had only saw a comedic parody of this advertisement in 2015. So I decided to check out the official video (which was published in 2014). I love this ad because there's a lot of subtle editing that was went into making this video like transitions. And I own at least 4 Nike shoes.
  • Smoky Bear

    Smoky Bear
    I stumbled upon this ad while streaming a show online with some of my friends. I remember this advertisement because it would play after every episode we watched. Smoky Bear!
  • Dufan (Fantasy World)

    Dufan (Fantasy World)
    I saw this ad for a famous theme park in Indonesia sometime last year around May - July (sometime during the exam times). I've seen advertisements for Dunia Fantasi (Dufan for short) ever since I was a kid, but the 2017 adaptation was the one I clearly haven't forgotten.
    Dufan (Fantasy World)
  • Kopiko

    I saw this ad quite recently when I walked past my living room TV. Me and family own quite a few Kopiko packets that contain 10 each. I quite like this advertisement because it portrays a very sleep deprived person and I can relate to it well because waking up at 5AM everyday for school in Grade 8 and 9 was not very pleasing! Kopiko (I do not specifically remember the day I saw it, so I went with the day the advetisement was published on YouTube).
  • Indomie (Instant Noodles)

    Indomie (Instant Noodles)
    Although this ad was released sometime in 2018, I only just saw it yesterday (3/01/19) after me and my dad had a conversation about the Asian Games. He then showed me this ad and, just like every Indomie advertisement, I cooked a packet right afterwards.