Marist brothers arrival
In 1872 the marist brothers arrive with the invitation from john bede polding -
The marist borthers expanand there school to other states
In 1875 they move there first evr school to queensland expanding out of sydney -
Establishment of St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill
It became a boarding school and a major institution for Marist education in Australi -
Marist brothers in australia become a independent province
This allowed the greater expansion of the schools and moving them into diffrent type of areas -
Growth of marist schools
There influence on catholics schools has been seen and during this time thye start to get more and more people come into there schools -
Vatican II and Educational Changes
the brothers start to look for universty dergrees in teaching -
Decline in Religious Vocations
By the 1980s, fewer men were joining religious orders, including the Marist Brothers. -
Formation of Marist Schools Australia
In 2010, the Marist Brothers made their educational schools stonger and under Marist Schools Australia -
aunch of the Marist Mission & Life Formation Program
This program strenths the spritual connection to god and to keep the marist traditions alive -
150th Anniversary in Australia
Marist brothers celbrate themselves for being in australia for 150 years spreading education for young people all across australia